Keith A. Baggerly, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics

Department of Biostatistics

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center




            Some recent publications in peer-reviewed journals:


  • Arap W, Kolonin MG, Trepel M, Lahdenranta J, Cardo-Vila M, Giordano RJ, Mintz PJ, Ardelt PU, Yao VJ, Vidal CI, Chen L, Flamm A, Valtanen H, Weavind LM, Hicks ME, Pollock RE, Botz GH, Bucana CD, Koivunen E, Cahill D, Troncoso P, Baggerly KA, Pentz RD, Do KA, Logothetis CJ, Pasqualini R. Steps toward mapping the human vasculature by phage display. Nature Medicine 2002; 8(2):121-127.


  • Baggerly KA, Coombes KR, Hess KR, Stivers DN, Abruzzo LV, Zhang W. Identifying differentially expressed genes in cDNA microarray experiments. Journal of Computational Biology 2001; 8(6):639-659.


  • Hess KR, Zhang W, Baggerly KA, Stivers DN, Coombes KR. Microarrays: handling the deluge of data and extracting reliable information. Trends in Biotechnology 2001; 19(11):463-468.


  • Baggerly KA. Probability binning and testing agreement between multivariate immunofluorescence histograms: extending the chi-squared test. Cytometry 2001; 45(2):141-50.


  • Ramdas L, Coombes KR, Baggerly K, Abruzzo L, Highsmith WE, Krogmann T, Hamilton SR, Zhang W.  Sources of nonlinearity in cDNA microarray expression measurements.
  • Genome Biology 2001; 2(11):Research0047.


  • Johnson DH, Gruner CM, Baggerly K, Seshagiri C. Information-theoretic analysis of neural coding. J of Computational Neuroscience 2001; 10(1):47-69.