Linda S. Elting, Dr.P.H.
Department of Biostatistics
Section of Health Services Research
The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

  Some Recent Publications


  • Elting LS, Cantor SB. Outcomes and costs of febrile neutropenia: adventures in the science and art of treatment choices. Supportive Care in Cancer 2002; 10(3):189-196.


  • Elting LS, Rubenstein EB, Kurtin D, Martin CG, Rodriguez S, Cantor SB, Laiho E, Kanesan K, Benjamin RS. Incidence, cost, and outcomes of bleeding and chemotherapy dose modification among solid tumor patients with chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia. J Clin Oncol 2001; 19(4):1137-1146.


  • Elting LS, Rubenstein EB, Rolstson K, Cantor SB, Martin CG, Kurtin D, Rodriguez S, Lam T, Kanesan K, Bodey GP. Time to clinical response: an outcome of antibiotic therapy of febrile neutropenia with implications for quality and cost of care. J Clin Oncol 2000; 18(21):3699-3706.

  • Escalante CP, Kurtin D, Rivera E, Elting LS. Severity of illness, outcomes and resource use in elderly cancer patients with deep venous thrombosis. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2000; 6(3):175-178.

  • Escalante CP, Martin CG, Elting LS, Price KJ, Manzullo EF, Weiser MA, Harle TS, Cantor SB, Rubenstein EB. Identifying risk factors for imminent death in cancer patients with acute dyspnea. J Pain Symptom Manage 2000; 20(5):318-325.


  • Elting LS. Integrating prophylactic measures into practice guidelines for platelet growth factors. J Clin Oncol 1999; 13:587-589.

  • Elting LS, Martin CG, Cantor SB, Rubenstein EB. Influence of data display formats on physician investigators' decisions to stop clinical trials: prospective trial with repeated measures. BMJ 1999; 318(7197):1527-1531.

  • Jacobson K, Rolston K, Elting L, LeBlanc B, Whimbey E, Ho DH. Susceptibility surveillance among gram-negative bacilli at a cancer center. Chemotherapy 1999; 45:325-334.

  • Rubenstein EB, Elting LS, Sun Cc, Rolston K. Outpatient management of neutropenic fever: antibiotics, growth factors or both? In: Wingard J, Demetri G, eds. Clinical Applications of Cytokines and Growth Factors. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell Mass, 1999: p 159-177.