Xuelin Huang                                                                                                Revised on September 18, 2002




Name:             Xuelin Huang, Ph.D.


Address:         1515 Holcombe Blvd, Unit 447

Houston, TX 77030-4009


Telephone:     (713) 794-4172 

Fax:                 (713) 745-4940

E-mail:            xlhuang@mdanderson.org



Education:      University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109

                        Ph.D. in Biostatistics received August 2002

Dissertation title: Analysis of Correlated Survival Data with Dependent Censoring


Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843

Master of Science in Mathematics received May 1997

Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China

Bachelor of Science in Probability and Statistics received July 1994


Awards:          University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School Travel Grant, March 2002


Best Student Paper Award in the Biopharmaceutical Section

American Statistical Association, Atlanta, GA, August 2001


                        National Science Foundation traveling grant to the NSF/CBMS Regional Conference in Statistical Inference in Genetic Data, Houghton, MI, July 1999



Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

August 2002 ¾ Present


Research Assistant, Department of Biostatistics

University of Michigan.

September 1997 ¾  July 2002


Graduate Assistant, Department of Mathematics
Texas A&M University.

September 1995 ¾ May 1997


Statistical Analysis Experience          

Working as a statistical analyst in the following projects in the University of Michigan:


(1) Mammography Intervention Project. A five-year project to increase mammography screening (to detect breast cancer at an early stage) among elderly rural and minority women. Conducted by the Department of Medical Education, in collaboration with the Departments of Biostatistics, Health Management and Policy, Internal Medicine, etc.


(2) Dialysis Outcome and Practice Patterns Study. A study of dialysis as part of the treatment for end-stage kidney disease. Working in the Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center.


(3) Annual Data Reports for Scientific Registry of Transplantation Recipients. Working in the Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center.


(4) Survey of the Effect of Reimbursement Change on Medical Education. Conducted by the Medical Education Department.


(5) Genetics of Age-Sensitive Traits in Mice. Working in the Institute of Gerontology. Designed databases for the nine laboratories in medical school participating in this project (PI in Pathology Department), also designed and maintained the master database, using Microsoft Visual Basic for Access. 



Huang X and Wolfe RA. (2002).  A Frailty Model for Informative Censoring. Biometrics, Volume 58, No. 3, 510-520.


Harrison RV, Janz NK, Wolfe RA, Tedeschi PJ, Stross JK, Huang X, and McMahon LF (2002). Five Year Mammography Rates and Associated Factors for Older Women. Cancer. Accepted.


Harrison RV, Janz NK, Wolfe RA, Tedeschi PJ, Stross JK, Huang X, and McMahon LF (2002). Personalized Letter Increases Mammography among Long Term Non-compliant Medicare Beneficiaries. Medical Care.  Accepted.


Harrison RV, Janz NK, Wolfe RA, Tedeschi PJ, Stross JK, Huang X, and McMahon LF (2002). Characteristics of Primary Care Physicians and Their Practices Associated with Mammography Rates for Older Women. Submitted to Medical Care.


                        Strawderman RL, Huang X.(2000)  A Note on Breslow Estimator for Survival Functions. Technical Report, Biometrics Department, Cornell University.


Contributed Presentations

A Frailty Model for Informative Censoring. Joint Statistical Meeting, Atlanta, GA, August 2001


A Test for Independent Censoring Using Correlated Survival Data. The International Biometrics Society, Eastern Northern American Region (ENAR), Arlington, VA, March 2002


The Analysis of Clustered Survival Data with Dependent Censoring. Joint Statistical Meeting, New York City, NY, August 2002


Invited Seminars


The Analysis of Correlated Survival Data with Dependent Censoring

   St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Department of Biostatistics

   Memphis, TN, January 2002

The Analysis of Correlated Survival Data with Dependent Censoring

   Brown University, Department of Community Health

   Center of Statistical Science, Providence, RI, February 2002

The Analysis of Correlated Survival Data with Dependent Censoring

   Indiana University, Department of Medicine, Division of Biostatistics

   Indianapolis, IN, February 2002

The Analysis of Correlated Survival Data with Dependent Censoring

   Kansas University Medical Center, Department of Preventive Medicine

   Kansas City, KS, March 2002

The Analysis of Correlated Survival Data with Dependent Censoring

   The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Department of

   Biostatistics, Houston, TX, March 2002

The Analysis of Correlated Survival Data with Dependent Censoring

   University of Southern California, Department of Preventive Medicine

   Children’s Oncology Group, Arcadia, CA, April 2002

The Analysis of Correlated Survival Data with Dependent Censoring

   Medical University of Southern Carolina, Department of Biometry and

   Epidemiology, Charleston, SC, April 2002

The Analysis of Correlated Survival Data with Dependent Censoring

   University of Florida, Department of Biostatistics, Gainesville, FL, April 2002

The Analysis of Correlated Survival Data with Dependent Censoring

   Washington University at St. Louis, Division of Biostatistics

   and Siteman Cancer Center, St. Louis, MO, May 2002


Professional Memberships 

The International Biometrics Society

    Eastern Northern American Region (ENAR)

The American Statistical Association (ASA)

The Royal Statistical Society (RSS)

                                The International Society of Computational Biology (ISCB)


Service:            Member of Student Activity Committee in the Department of Biostatistics

                             University of Michigan, in the 1999/2000 academic year