Making Their Mark
Bunnies in My Head

or almost five years, talk has been circulating about a 25th anniversary book from the Children’s Art Project.

It’s not just talk anymore.

Bunnies in my Head
is a storybook celebration of 25 years of volunteers, community partners and corporations working together to make life better for cancer patients both young and old.

In the book, award-winning author Tricia Tusa weaves young patients’ artwork with her own story and illustrations, creating a charming children’s book that highlights the power of art and imagination. Former First Lady Barbara Bush wraps up the story with grace, offering a very special afterword that draws upon the days when her small daughter battled leukemia.

While it combines 38 pieces of art from the past, Bunnies in my Head represents the future of the Project.

It is the first book ever offered by the Project and the first venture into the world of publishing for volunteers and staff. With volunteer help from stylist Linda Hofheinz, Houston designer Chris Hill, former New York editor Lucy Herring Chambers and members from the Junior League of Houston, Inc., Bunnies in my Head became a reality.

Volunteer support continues with a large team working to place Bunnies in my Head in national retail outlets and to generate corporate and community support for the 25th anniversary product.

As of Sept. 1, before books were even printed, more than 14,000 copies of Bunnies in my Head were sold and spoken for by individuals and retailers alike.

The book is one high-profile way the Project continues to grow and expand into new markets, reaching further across the country to touch new lives.

— Andria Frankfort

Hunter Lombard

“Everyone at school kept asking me, ‘What’s the surprise?’ I told them two of my pictures would be in the book
(Bunnies in my Head), and they were real happy. My teacher, Miss (Renee) Fowler, said it was really an honor to have me in her class. I’m very proud of myself.”

— Hunter Lombard, contributing designer to
Bunnies in my Head

“The book not only honors the children of M. D. Anderson, but also all children who so naturally understand the joy and benefits of self-expression. I am thrilled to have been a part of this artistic project.”

—Tricia Tusa, author/illustrator of Bunnies in my Head

“One cool thing about the book is it features some art that was drawn by kids whose designs weren’t made into a card. But now they have their art in the book. They probably feel real good about that.”

— Cody Wetzel, card designer

The story continues...