Houston Forum
Cancer Genomics and Informatics

February 19, 2000

111 North Post Oak Lane ~ Houston, Texas 77024

Conference Chairmen

Stanley Hamilton, M.D.
Director of Cancer Genomics Program
Head, Division of Pathology and Lab Medicine
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

Don Berry, Ph.D.
Department of Biostatistics
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

Wei Zhang, Ph.D.
Cancer Genomics Core Lab
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

Goal of the Forum:
The goals of the Forum are 1) to review the current status of Cancer Genomics and Informatics efforts (focusing on gene expression studies); 2) to identify areas of joint investigation in Houston genomics and informatics community; and 3) to formulate a strategy for multi-institutional collaboration.

Format of the Forum:
Several representative groups will review the current status of genomics and informatics focusing on the issues to be addressed and the common problems associated with genomics (technology heterogeneity, tumor heterogeneity, informatics methodologies). We will then follow with open discussions. Working groups are expected to form at the end of the conference to tackle key issues during the following months, which will be reported to members of the community through e-mails and the next Forum.


Saturday, February 19, 2000

7:30 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:30 a.m Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Wei Zhang, Ph.D.

Overview of Genomics and Informatics Programs in Houston area

8:40 The Cancer Genomics Program at M. D. Anderson
Stanley Hamilton, M.D.

8:50 The Informatics Program at M. D. Anderson
Don Berry, Ph.D.

9:00 The Informatics Program at Rice University
Marek Kimmel, Ph.D.

9:10 The Cancer Genomics Program at M. D. Anderson Science Park
Mike MacLeod, Ph.D.

9:20 The Genomics Program at Baylor College of Medicine
Richard Gibbs, Ph.D.

9:30 The Genomics Program at UT Medical School
Peter Davis, M.D., Ph.D.

Application of Genomics Technologies in Cancer research

9:40 Glioma Genomics Program.
Gregory Fuller, M.D., Ph.D.

9:50 Ovarian Genomics program
Gordon Mills, M.D., Ph.D.

10:00 Breast Cancer Genomics Program-SAGE
Marcelo Aldaz, M.D., Ph.D.

10:10 High throughput Q-PCR –UT Medical School
Peter Davis, M.D., Ph.D.

10:20 Break and Poster viewing


10:45 Data mining issues - 1
Kenneth Hess, Ph.D.

11:00 Data mining issues - 2
Susan Hilsenbeck, Ph.D.

11:15 Database issues
Kevin Coombes, Ph.D.

11:30 Biological Data Management – PE Biosystem
Yury Rozenman

11:45 Data analysis of SAGE data
Marek Kimmel, Ph.D.

12:00 noon Lunch

1:30 p.m. Imaging principles
Dennis Johnston, Ph.D.

1:45 Imaging system of NuTec
Michael Keehan, Ph.D. President and CEO

Panel Discussions

2:00 Technology platforms (core labs at MDACC, Texas Medical School, School of Public Health, and Baylor College of Medicine) (Wei Zhang, Mike MacLeod, Peter Davis, Greg Shipley, Li Jin, David Wheeler, Jeff Tollett)

2:20 Imaging and data capturing issues (Dennis Johnston, Arnout Ruifrock, Michael Keehan, Kevin Coombes, and others)

2:40 Data mining techniques and variability issues. Standardization (i.e. choice of standards in two-color systems and external methods for membrane to membrane standardization) (Kenneth Hess, Susan Hilsenbeck, Marek Kimmel, James Leary, Kevin Coombes, David Stivers, Jack Lee, and others)

3:00 Tumor tissue issues (Adel El-Naggar, Janet Bruner, Jinsong Liu, Lynne Abruzzo, Marcelo Aldaz, Gordon Mills, Gregory Fuller, and others)

3:20 Database issues (Kevin Coombes, David Stivers, Mini Kapoor, Henry Peng, PE, and others)

3:40 SAGE technology (Mike MacLeod, Marcelo Aldaz, Stanley Hamilton, and others)

4:00 High throughput Q-PCR (Peter Davis, Raja Luthra, George Stancel, and others)

4:20 Houston Bioinformatics Graduate Program (Moshe Vardi, Marek Kimmel, Don Berry, George Stancel and others)

4:40 Break

5:00 Summary of the conference
Stanley Hamilton, M.D.

5:15 Adjourn

The Forum is sponsored by the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Coorporate support: Genomic Solutions; NuTec Service; Orchid Biocomputer; PE Biosystem.