Department of Biostatistics
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
The University of Texas
1515 Holcombe Blvd, Box 447
Houston TX 77030-4009
Office: Faculty Center, FC2.3026
Phone: (713) 794-4162
Fax: (713) 745-4940
Ph.D. (1975) Statistics and Probability
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida
Research interests:
Medical statistics, clinical trial design, applied decision theory, tests of multi-dimensional
hypotheses, regression analysis
Dr. Thall has distinguished himself as an expert in the development and application of Bayesian
methodology to the design of cancer clinical trials, introducing innovative ideas for conducting
phase I and phase II trials. These new designs provide more flexible monitoring schemes and
dose-finding methods based on multiple events, including toxicity, response time, and survival time.
Dr. Thall's seminal work has established several new paradigms for
the design, conduct and analysis of clinical trials in cancer and other diseases.
In the past 12 years, Dr. Thall has assisted researchers at M. D. Anderson
and other institutions in designing over 350 clinical trials.
Dr. Thall is the author or co-author of over 90 research papers and book chapters in statistical
methods, probability, clinical trial design, and medicine. He has served as the biostatistician on
funded program projects in acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, neuro-oncology,
phase II/III clinical trials, and soft tissue sarcoma. Currently, he is the principal investigator
of the NCI R01 grant "Statistical Methods in Complex Cancer Trials." Dr. Thall has presented over
65 invited talks at professional meetings, universities, institutes and pharmaceutical companies.
He has refereed articles submitted to numerous statistical and medical journals, and has served
as an associate editor for the Journal of the National Cancer Institute and Statistics in Medicine.