Human (injected)
Mouse (harvested)



Do you know whether the cell line you are using in your research is authentic?

For example, a cell line which is believed to be of human breast cancer may actually be the cell line of a human prostate cancer, mouse or Syrian hamster.

Cell line contamination is not uncommon incident in a laboratory handling more than one cell line. Cell line contamination may also be caused by the transformation of host cells by the injected human tumor cells. Human tumors injected into nude murine animals may transform host cells and the tumor growing in the host animal may be a mixture of human and murine cells or purely of murine origin (Oncol Res 9:433-438, 1997; Br J Cancer 76:1134-1138, 1997). Inter- or intraspecies cell line contamination can easily be identified by conventional and molecular cytogenetics. It can save valuable time, effort, and precious research funds and prevent investigators from innocently publishing erroneous molecular data and misleading conclusions.

Click on the images below for full size and description:

 Human (injected).jpg 
 A G-banded karyotype of human cell line before injection into nude mice
Mouse (harvested).jpg

A karyotype of cells harvested from a nude mice in which human prostate cancer cells were injected


 FISH image showing no human DNA in a mouse cell line harvested from a nude mice in which human cancer cells were injected

Send correspondence to:

Professor Sen Pathak
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Cellular Genetics Laboratory
1515 Holcombe Blvd., Box 181, Houston, TX 77030
Tel: (713) 792-2582; Fax: (713) 792-8747
