to the Hereditary Colon Cancer Newsletter. Some of you may have
received this newsletter in the past, and for others of you this
may be your first issue. The goal of this newsletter is to be
a source of current information on hereditary forms of colon cancer
and polyps. This newsletter will be sent, four times a year, to
individuals who are at risk for these conditions and also to professionals
who work in this area. The newsletter along with additional information
can be found at our website (http://www.mdanderson.org/depts/hcc).
To make
this newsletter as helpful as possible, we would like your input.
As you will see, throughout the newsletter are sections contributed
by our readers. We hope that these sections will be a place for
you to ask questions and share stories and experiences with each
other and to also help educate professionals about your needs
and concerns. We are also looking for your help in re-naming the
newsletter. What do you think it should be called? Look inside
for our "Name the Newsletter" contest, and your chance to win
an exciting prize. At the end of this newsletter, we have also
included an evaluation form. Please take a few minutes to make
comments and let us know what you think of the newsletter.
This issue
of the newsletter focuses on research being done in chemoprevention,
an exciting new area looking at how different drugs may help to
reduce the risk of cancer. Through the newsletter we will try
to keep you informed of research and studies that may help benefit
you and your family. If you are involved in other research projects,
we would like to hear about them and share them in the next issue
of the newsletter.
The Editors