
Jon Richard Wiener, Ph.D.
My laboratory is interested in the roles
that protein tyrosine kinases (PTK) and phosphatases (PTP) play
in regulating the growth, oncogenic potential, and metastatic
capability of human ovarian and breast cancer cells. The aberrant
expression of receptor (e.g., HER-2/neu) and nonreceptor (e.g.,
c-src) PTK is one of numerous well-documented genetic alterations
that influence the development of cancers from normal epithelium.
In contrast, PTP, which act as biochemical antagonists of tyrosine
phosphorylation, may have great influence on PTK-mediated signaling
but are as yet a greatly understudied family of molecules. Since
the extent of tyrosine phosphorylation observed in any cell
is the net result of the activities of both PTK and PTP working
in concert, we have been interested in expanding our understanding
of PTK signaling pathways in the context of the PTP that interface
with relevant PTK or their substrates.
Studies are currently under way to investigate
the role that overexpression of the human proto-oncogene c-src
plays in the regulation of human ovarian cancer cell growth.
This project, done in collaboration with Dr. Gary Gallick (Department
of Cancer Biology), illustrated that alteration of c-src activity
greatly influences the tumorigenic potential of metastatic ovarian
cancer cells. This is a suitable experimental model system to
investigate not only altered signaling via c-src but also the
effect of this alteration on the PTPs that putatively interface
with c-src, e.g., PTP1B, SHP-1, SHP-2, and rPTPalpha. Since
c-src tightly associates with the HER-2/neu receptor PTK in
vivo, this system also provides potential inroads to understanding
how HER-2/neu influences cell growth and tumorigenesis. Finally,
we are utilizing this system to investigate the role that c-src
plays in modulating the expression and secretion of invasive
or angiogenic factors from metastatic ovarian cancer cells.
Other current investigations include (a) growth
regulation of human breast cancer cells by the SH2-containing
PTP SHP-1, in collaboration with Dr. Gordon Mills (this department);
(b) modulation of secretion of invasive factors from ovarian
cancer cells by lysophosphatidic acid, in collaboration with
Dr. Mills; and (c) the role of HER-2/neu tyrosine phosphorylation
in modulating HER-2/neu-specific, T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity,
in collaboration with Dr. Constantin Ioannides (Department of
Gynecologic Oncology).
Primary Appointment: |
Assistant Professor, Assistant Biologist
Department of Molecular Oncology
Section on Molecular Therapeutics
Division of Medicine
University of Texas M.D. Anderson
Cancer Center
Graduate Faculty, UT Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Graduate Faculty, Cancer Biology Program |
Contact: |
Department of Molecular Oncology,
Box 317
UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Blvd
Houston, TX 77030
PHONE: (713) 792-3790
FAX: (713) 794-1807
EMAIL: jwiener1@notes.mdacc.tmc.edu |
Education: |
May 1984 |
Ph.D. - Microbiology
Department of Microbiology
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA |
May 1979 |
M.S. - Microbiology
Department of Microbiology
University of Maryland
College Park, MD |
August 1975 |
B.S. - Microbiology
Department of Microbiology, With Honors
University of Maryland
College Park, MD |
Post-Doctoral Training: |
Fellow, 1983-1986 / Research Associate,
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC |
Appointments: (TT, tenure
track; NT, non-tenure track) |
07/01/94 - present |
Assistant Professor, Assistant Biologist
Department of Molecular Oncology
Faculty, Cancer Biology Program
University of Texas M.D. Anderson
Cancer Center
Graduate Faculty, UTGSBS |
12/1/92 - 06/30/94 |
Assistant Professor of Obstetrics
and Gynecology (NT) Division of
Gynecologic Oncology
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC |
02/01/92 - 11/30/92 |
Assistant Professor of Experimental
Surgery (NT) Department of Surgery
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Division of Gynecologic Oncology
Duke University Medical Center Durham,
NC |
12/01/88 - 01/30/92 |
Assistant Professor of Experimental Surgery
(NT) Department of Surgery
Duke University Medical Center
Editorial Board(s): |
Cancer Molecular Biology,
1993 - 1997 |
& Awards: |
1971-1975 Maryland
State Undergraduate Scholarship |
1979-1983 NIH/NCI
Pre-doctoral Trainee |
1983-1986 NIH/NCI
Post-doctoral Trainee |
Society Memberships: |
1974-1975 Microbiology
Honorary, Vice-President
1975-1979 American Society for Microbiology
1990-1994 American Association for
Cancer Research
1996 American
Association for the Advancement of Science |
& In-Press Articles (Peer-Reviewed Journals): |
1. J. R. Wiener, R. Pal, Y. Barenholz,
and R. R. Wagner. Influence of the Peripheral Matrix Protein
of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus on the Membrane Dynamics of Mixed
Phospholipid Vesicles: Fluorescence Studies. Biochemistry 22:2162-2170,
2. R. Pal, J. R. Wiener, Y. Barenholz,
and R. R. Wagner. Influence of the Membrane Glycoprotein and
Cholesterol of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus on the Dynamics of
Viral and Model Membranes: Fluorescence Studies. Biochemistry
22:3624-3630, 1983.
3. J. R. Wiener, R. R. Wagner, and E.
Freire. Thermotropic Behavior of Mixed Phospha- tidylcholine-Phosphatidylglycerol
Vesicles Reconstituted with the Matrix Protein of Vesicular
Stomatitis Virus. Biochemistry 22:6117-6123, 1983.
4. R. Pal, B. W. Grinnell, R. M. Snyder, J.
R. Wiener, W. A. Volk, and R. R. Wagner. Monoclonal Antibodies
to the M Protein of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (Indiana Serotype)
and to a cDNA M Gene Expression Product. J. Virol 55:298-306,
5. J. R. Wiener, R. Pal, Y. Barenholz,
and R. R. Wagner. Effect of the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Matrix
Protein on the Lateral Organization of Lipid Bilayers Containing
Phosphatidyl-glycerol: Use of Fluorescent Phospholipid Analogues.
Biochemistry 24:7651-7658, 1985.
6. W. Cashdollar, R. A. Chmelo, J. R. Wiener,
and W. K. Joklik. Sequences of the S1 Genes of the Three Serotypes
of Reovirus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:24-28, 1985.
7. J. R. Wiener and W. K. Joklik. Comparison
of the Reovirus Serotype 1,2, and 3 S3 Genome Segments Encoding
the Nonstructural Protein Sigma NS. Virology 161:332-
339, 1987.
8. J. R. Wiener and W. K. Joklik. Evolution
of Reovirus Genes: A Comparison of Serotype 1,2, and 3 M2 Genome
Segments, Which Encode the Major Structural Capsid Protein Mu1C.
Virology 163:603-613, 1988.
9. J. R. Wiener and W. K. Joklik. The
Sequences of the Reovirus Serotype 1, 2, and 3 L1 Genome Segments
and Analysis of the Mode of Divergence of the Reovirus Serotypes.
Virology 169:194-203, 1989.
10. J. R. Wiener, J. A. Bartlett, and
W. K. Joklik. The Sequences of Reovirus Serotype 3 Genome Segments
M1 and M3 Encoding the Minor Protein Mu2 and the Major Nonstructural
Protein MuNS, Respectively. Virology 169:293-304, 1989.
11. J. R. Wiener, T. McLaughlin, and
W. K. Joklik. The Sequences of the S2 Genome Segments of Reovirus
Serotype 3 and of the dsRNA-Negative Mutant ts447. Virology
170:340-341, 1989.
12. K. R. Kidd, B.J. Kerns, R. K. Dodge, and
J. R. Wiener. Histochemical Staining of Protein-Tyrosine
Phosphatase Activity in Primary Human Mammary Carcinoma: Relationship
with Known Prognostic Indicators. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 40:729-735,
13. G. Huper, J. R. Marks, J. R. Wiener,
and J. D. Iglehart. Relative Promoter Activity in Human Mammary
Epithelial Cells Assayed by Transient Expression. In Vitro Cell.
Dev. Biol. 28A:730-734, 1992.
14. R. C. Bast, Jr., C. M. Boyer, I. Jacobs,
F. Xu, S. Wu, J. Wiener, M. Kohler, and A. Berchuck.
Cell Growth Regulation in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Cancer
71:1597-1601, 1993.
15. S. Wu, C. M. Boyer, R. Whitaker, A. Berchuck,
J. R. Wiener, J. B. Weinberg, and R. C. Bast Jr. Tumor
Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) as an Autocrine and Paracrine
Growth Factor for Ovarian Cancer: Monokine Induction of Tumor
Cell Proliferation and TNF-alpha Expression. Cancer Res 53:1939-1944,
16. J. R. Wiener, B-J M. Kerns, E.L.
Harvey, M. R. Conaway, J. D. Iglehart, A. Berchuck, and R. C.
Bast, Jr. Overexpression of the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase
PTP1B in Human Breast Cancer: Association with p185c-erbB-2
Protein Expression. J. Natl. Canc. Inst. 86: 372-378,
17. R. C. Bast Jr, C. M. Boyer, F. Xu, S. Wu,
J. R. Wiener, S. K. Kassim, M. F. Kohler, K. O'Briant,
K. DeSombre, B. S. Bast, G. S. Dean, L. Daly, and A. Berchuck.
Selected Molecular Targets for Diagnosis and Therapy of Epithelial
Ovarian Cancer (Review). Canc. Mol. Biol. 1:87-93, 1994.
18. S. Kassim, J. R. Wiener, A. Berchuck,
and R. C. Bast, Jr. Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases: Biology and
Role in Human Cancers (Review). Canc. Mol. Biol. 1:133-
144, 1994.
19. J. R. Wiener, J. A. Hurteau, B-J.
M. Kerns, R. Whitaker, M. R. Conaway, S. Wu, A. Berchuck, and
R. C. Bast, Jr. Overexpression of the Tyrosine Phosphatase PTP1B
is Associated with Human Ovarian Carcinomas. Am. J. Obstet.
Gynecol. 170:1177-1183, 1994.
20. S. Wu, W. A. Meeker, J. R. Wiener,
A. Berchuck, R. C. Bast, Jr., and C. M. Boyer. Transfection
of Ovarian Cancer Cells with Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)
Antisense mRNA Abolishes the Proliferative Response to Interleukin-1
(IL-1) but not TNF-alpha. Gynecol. Oncol. 53:59-63, 1994.
21. R. C. Bast, Jr., C.M. Boyer, F.J. Xu, J.
Wiener, R. Dabel, R. Woolas, I. Jacobs, and A. Berchuck.
Molecular Approaches to Prevention and Detection of Epithelial
Ovarian Cancer. J. Cell. Biochem. (Suppl 23):219-222,
22. J. R. Wiener, S. K. Kassim, Y. Yu,
G. B. Mills, and R. C. Bast, Jr. Transfection of Human Ovarian
Cancer Cells with the HER-2/neu Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Induces
a Selective Increase in PTPH1, PTP1B, and PTP Expression. Gynecol.
Oncol. 61:233- 240, 1996.
23. C. van Haaften Day, P. Russell, C. M. Boyer,
B-J. M. Kerns, J. Wiener, D. N. Jensen, R. C. Bast, Jr.,
and N. F. Hacker. Expression of Cell Regulatory Proteins in
Ovarian Epithelial-Stromal Tumors. Cancer 77:2092-2098,
24. S. Fayed, S. Wu, Y. Lidor, M. Super, A.
Berchuck, R.C. Bast, Jr. and J. R. Wiener. Detection
and Partial Purification of a 30 kDa Ovarian Carcinoma-Associated
Protein. Canc. Mol. Biol. 3:915-926, 1996.
25. R. Orlandi, C. Formantici, S. Menard, C.
M. Boyer, J. R. Wiener, M. I. Colnaghi. A Linear Region
of a Monoclonal Antibody Conformational Epitope Mapped on p185HER2
Oncoprotein. Biol. Chem. 378:1387-1392, 1997.
26. C. M. Boyer, L. Pusztai, J. R. Wiener,
F. Xu, G. S. Dean, B. S. Bast, K. C. O'Briant, M. Greenwald,
K. A. DeSombre, and R. C. Bast, Jr. Relative Cytotoxic Activity
of Immunotoxins Reactive with Different Epitopes on the Extracellular
Domain of the c- erbB-2 (HER-2/neu) Gene Product p185. In
27. J. R. Wiener, K. Nakano, R. P. Kruzelock,
C. Bucana, R.C. Bast, Jr., and G.E. Gallick. Decreased Src Tyrosine
Kinase Activity Inhibits Malignant Human Ovarian Cancer Tumor
Growth in a Nude Mouse Model. In Press.
Published Invited
Journal Articles: |
1. J. R. Wiener, A. Berchuck, and R.
C. Bast, Jr. Biology and Therapy with Biologic Agents in Gynecologic
Cancer (Review). Curr. Opin. Oncol. 4:946-954, 1992.
2. R. Kruzelock, J. R. Wiener, and G.
B. Mills. Human Cancer Genetics: Science Fiction Becomes Science
Fact. Breast Diseases 8(1):15-19, 1997.
3. J. R. Wiener. Karate as a Beneficial
Exercise for Human Health. Karate Connection. 2-4, October,
4. J. R. Wiener. Achilles Tendon Injuries.
Karate Connection. In Press
Chapters: |
1. R. C. Bast, Jr., J. Wiener, S. Kassim,
S. Wu, C. Boyer, K. DeSombre, J. Hurteau, G. Rodriguez, G. Mills,
A. Berchuck. Cell Growth Regulation in Ovarian Cancer: Tyrosine
Kinases, Tyrosine Phosphatases, and Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha.
In: Ovarian Cancer 3. Eds. F Sharp, P Mason, J Berek.
London: Chapman and Hall, pp 109-114, 1994.
2. G. B. Mills, S. Gibson, R. Schmandt, X.J.
Fang, J. R. Wiener. Signal Transduction. In: Transplantation
Biology. Eds NL Tilney, TB Strom, LC Paul. Philadelphia:
Lippincott- Raven, pp 31-54, 1996.
3. R. C. Bast, Jr., F. Xu, Y. Yu, X. Fang, J.
Wiener, G. B. Mills. Overview-The Molecular Biology of Ovarian
Cancer. In: Ovarian Cancer 5. Eds. F Sharp, AD Blackett,
JS Berek, RC Bast, Jr. Oxford: Isis Medical Media. Chapter 8,
p87-97, 1998.
4. Y. Xu, X. Fang, T. Furui, T. Sasagawa, T.
Pustilnik, Y. Lu, Z Shen, J. R. Wiener, L. Shayestek,
J. W. Gray, R. C. Bast, Jr., G. B. Mills. Regulation of Growth
of Ovarian Cancer Cells by Phospholipid Growth Factors. In:
Ovarian Cancer 5. Eds. F Sharp, AD Blackett, JS Berek,
RC Bast, Jr. Oxford: Isis Medical Media. Chapter 10, p109-120,
Meeting Abstracts: |
1. J. R. Wiener, R. Pal, Y. Barenholz,
and R. R. Wagner. Influence of the Peripheral Matrix Protein
of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus on the Membrane Dynamics of Mixed
Phospholipid Vesicles: Fluorescence Studies. Federation of American
Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). New Orleans, LA.
2. J. R. Wiener, J. A. Bartlett, and
W. K. Joklik. Sequence of the M3 Gene of Reovirus Serotype 3.
American Society for Virology (ASV). Santa Barbara, CA. 1986.
3. J. Bartlett, J. R. Wiener, and W.
K. Joklik. Sequence of the L3 Gene of Reovirus Serotype 3 and
an Analysis of the Protein that it Encodes. American Society
for Virology (ASV). Chapel Hill, NC. 1987.
4. J. R. Wiener and W. K. Joklik. Sequences
of the S3 Genes and M2 Genes of Reovirus Serotypes 1,2, and
3. American Society for Virology (ASV). Chapel Hill, NC. 1987.
5. W. K. Joklik, J. R. Wiener, J. A.
Bartlett, and J. B. Antczak. The Structure and Function of Reovirus
Genes. International Congress of Virology. Edmonton, Canada.
6. J. R. Wiener, T. McLaughlin, and W.
K. Joklik. A Comparison of the L1 Genes of Reovirus Serotypes
1,2, and 3. American Society for Virology (ASV). Austin, TX.
7. C. Johnson, K. R. Kidd, J. R. Marks, J. D.
Iglehart, and J. R. Wiener. Altered Expression of p53
Protein in Human Mammary Cell Lines. AOA Original Studies Symposium.
Durham, NC. 1990.
8. K. R. Kidd, B. J. Kerns, and J. R. Wiener.
An Improved Method for the Histochemical Analysis of Protein-Tyrosine
Phosphatase Activity in Human Mammary Carcinomas. National Society
for Histochemistry Symposium. San Antonio, TX. 1990.
9. S. Wu, C.M. Boyer, R. Whitaker, A. Berchuck,
J. Wiener, J. B. Weinberg, and R. C. Bast, Jr. Induction
of Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in Human Ovarian
Cancer Cells by Treatment with TNF-alpha and Interleukin-1-beta
(IL-1-beta). American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).
San Diego, CA. 1992.
10. R. C. Bast, Jr., C. M. Boyer, I. Jacobs,
F. Xu, S. Wu, J. R. Wiener, and A. Berchuck. Cell Growth
Regulation in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. American Cancer Society
(ACS). Orlando, FL. 1992.
11. C. M. Boyer, J. R. Wiener, F.J. Xu,
G. S. Dean, B. S. Bast, K. C. O'Briant, M. J. Super, K. A. DeSombre,
R. C. Bast Jr. Cytotoxicity of Immunotoxins Reactive with Different
Epitop es on the c-erbB-2 (HER-2/neu) Gene Product, p185. American
Association for Cancer Research (AACR). Orlando, FL. 1993.
12. J. R. Wiener, J. A. Hurteau, R. S.
Whitaker, B. J. Kerns, A. Berchuck, R. C. Bast Jr. Overexpression
of the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase PTP1B in Human Ovarian Carcinomas.
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). Orlando, FL.
13. S. Wu, W. A. Meeker, J. Wiener, R.
C. Bast Jr, C. M. Boyer. Transfection of Ovarian Cancer Cells
with Tumor Necrosis Factor- (TNF-alpha) Antisense Abolishes
the Proliferative Response to Interleukin-1 (IL-1) but not to
TNF-alpha. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).
Orlando, FL. 1993.
14. R. C. Bast, Jr., J. R. Wiener, S.
Wu, J.A. Hurteau, G. Rodriguez, M. Kohler, G. B. Mills, C. M.
Boyer, A. Berchuck. Cell Growth Regulation of Epithelial Ovarian
Cancer: The Potential Role of Tyrosine Phosphatases and Tumor
Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF- alpha). 4th Biennial Meeting of
the International Gynecologic Cancer Society. Stockholm, Sweden.
15. J. R. Wiener, S. Kassim, A. Berchuck,
R. C. Bast, Jr. Role of Protein Tyrosine Kinases and Protein
Tyrosine Phosphatases in Human Ovarian and Mammary Cancer Cell
Growth. 2nd International Symposium on Cancer Molecular Biology.
Cairo, Egypt. 1993.
16. R. C. Bast, Jr., C. Boyer, F-J Xu, J.
Wiener, S. Wu, R. Woolas, I. Jacobs, J. Hurteau, G. Mills,
M. Kohler, A. Berchuck. Molecular Approaches to the Early Detection
and Management of Ovarian Cancer. 2nd International Symposium
on Cancer Molecular Biology. Cairo, Egypt. 1993.
17. J. Wiener, S. K. Kassim, A. Berchuck,
R. C. Bast, Jr. Differential Expression of Protein Tyrosine
Phosphatases in Human Ovarian Adenocarcinomas. American Association
for Cancer Research (AACR). San Francisco, CA. 1994.
18. G. B. Mills, X. J. Fang, J. R. Wiener,
F. Xu, Y. Yu, J. Wolf, D. Gershenson, J. T. Wharton, R. C. Bast,
Jr. Molecular Mechanisms Regulating the Growth of Ovarian Cancer
Cells: Potential Diagnostics and Targets for Therapy. 3rd International
Symposium on Cancer Molecular Biology. Cairo, Egypt. 1995.
19. J. R. Wiener, R. P. Kruzelock, K.
Nakayo, V. C. Estrella, G. B. Mills, R. C. Bast, Jr., and G.
E. Gallick. Abrogation of Anchorage-Independent Growth of a
HER-2- Overexpressing Malignant Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Line
Transfected with an Antisense Expression Vector Specific for
c-src. First Annual Meeting on the Experimental Therapeutics
of Human Cancer. Hood College, MD. 1998.
20. C. G. Ioannides, A. Castilleja, B. Anderson,
D. Kim, J. Wiener, and C.O'Brian. Post- translationally
Enhanced Tumor Antigen Immunogenicity. Functional Antigenics
Conference. Washington, D.C., 1998.
21. G. B. Mills, X. J. Fang, T. Furui, M. Mao,
J. Wiener, V. Estrella, and Y. Xu. Lysophosphatidic Acid
in Early diagnosis, Prognosis, and Therapy of Ovarian Cancer.
First Annual International Conference on Ovarian Cancer. Houston,
TX. 1999.
22. T. Pustilnik, V. Estrella, J. R. Wiener,
and G. B. Mills. Lysophosphatidic Acid (LPA) 18:1 Stimulates
Urokinase Secretion in Ovarian Cancer Cells. Society of Gynecologic
Oncologists. San Francisco, CA. 1999.
Grant & Contract Support: |
“The Putative Tumor Suppressor
PTP1C in Breast Cancer” |
NIH RO1 #1RO1 CA71418-01
Co-Principal Investigator - J. R. Weiner
Annual costs $126337 (9/96 - 9/97)
Grant duration: 9/96 -9/99
“SHP1 Functions as a Tumor Suppressor
in Breast Cancer” |
Susan Connelly Breast Cancer Research
Principal Investigator - J. R. Wiener
Annual costs $50,000 (4/97 - 4/98)
Grant award: 4/97 |
“SHP1 as a Tumor Suppressor Gene
in Human Mammary Tumorigenesis” |
U. S. Army Medical Breast Cancer
Research Program Proposal
Mentor - J. R. Wiener
Annual costs $20,000
Predoctoral fellowship awarded to Chuan Gao, M.S.
Grant duration 1/97 - 1/2000 |
“The Role of SHP1 as a Tumor Suppressor
in Breast Cancer” |
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
Principal Investigator - J. R. Wiener
Annual costs $108,053
Grant award 5/97 |
Service: |
1. Ovarian Cancer Research Seminar Series, University
of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
1994 - 1996, Organizer.
2. Outreach Program, UTGSBS, Invited Speaker,
Fort Bend County. July, 1997.
3. Long Distance Learning Program, UTGSBS, Invited
Speaker. July, 1997.
4. Faculty Senate Representative, Department
of Molecular Oncology, UT, M.D. Anderson
Cancer Center. September, 1997 - September, 1998.
5. Grant reviewer: M.D. Anderson Institutional
Research Support Committee, 1997
6. Fort Bend County, TX Gifted and Talented
Mentorship Program:
Invited Panelist,
October, 1997, and September, 1998
Final Project Judge,
May, 1998
Fort Bend County
Science Fair Program, Invited Speaker. March, 1998.
7. UTGSBS Academic Standards Committee, Alternate.
8. Judge, Basic Sciences, M.D. Anderson Trainee
Recognition Day, 1999.
Teaching: |
1998 Guest
Lecturer: Graduate Biochemistry, UTGSBS
1997 Invited
Speaker: Long Distance Learning Program UT-GSBS
1996 Invited
speaker: Pharmacology Graduate Seminar UT Medical School
1994 - 1995 Molecular
Biology of Oncogenes, UTGSBS
1984 - 1988 Instructor
Medical Virology / Microbiology Duke University Medical
1980 Instructor
Medical Virology/Microbiology University of Virginia Medical
1975 - 1979 Teaching
of Microbiology
of Maryland
General Microbiology, Virology, Graduate Virology,
Graduate Genetics
Workshops Supervised: |
Molecular Biological Techniques in
Cancer Research, Scientific Supervisor Cairo, Egypt; November,
1993. |