on image(s) to view JPEG image(s).
1. |

Coronal T1W MR image reveals intermediate signal intensity
mass in right thigh. Patient underwent wide local excision.
2. |
Axial T1W MR image obtained 8 months after surgery reveals
low intensity seroma.
3. |

Axial T2W MR image reveals a small focus of layering hemorrhage
within the seroma (arrow on JPEG image). Fine needle aspiration
performed the same day revealed serous fluid and no malignancy.
4. |

Axial T1W MR imaging obtained about 16 months following previous
MRI and 2 years after the surgery reveals high signal intensity
fluid indicating that ongoing hemorrhage has occurred. No
history of recent trauma.
5. |

Axial T2W MR image reveals high intensity hemorrhage and heterogeneous
appearance of fluid collection. Fine needle aspiration at
this time revealed hemorrhagic fluid and no malignancy.