Physicians Peer-to-Peer Consultation Program


Please note that the request for a Peer-to-Peer consultation in no way indicates that a patient encounter has taken place. The discussions and recommendations provided through this process are based on limited information and exclude patient observation and hands-on clinical evaluation. As such, comments relating to patient care planning and treatment under this service should be regarded as a professional dialogue only. Requesting physicians shall remain in complete control of medical services they provide to their patients and shall be solely responsible for all acts and decisions in connection therewith. The receipt by a requesting physician of any recommendation or other statement regarding medical care that may be issued by an MD Anderson physician shall not be construed to mean such MD Anderson physician is engaged in the practice of medicine by providing such recommendation. MD Anderson Cancer Center and their physicians will not be responsible for incomplete, unreadable, or inaccurate information provided by others, or distortions of diagnostic images or specimens that may occur as a result of electronic or other transmission of medical records.