Yun-Ling Xu, M.S.
Contact Information:
Department of Biostatistics The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center 1515 Holcombe Blvd, Box 447
Houston TX 77030-4009 Office: Faculty Center, FC2.3009
Phone: (713) 792-8399
Fax: (713) 794-1915
- M.S. in Statistics and Probability (2002)
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI
- Ph.D. in Molecular Biology (1992)
Chinese Academy of Science, China
- B.A. in Agronomy (1986)
Shandong Agricultural University, China
- Data analysis: survey sampling design and data analysis, experimental design and ANOVA,
categorical data modeling, logistic and probit analysis, survival analysis, and clinical data analysis.
- Statistical programming: SAS programming such as PROC, IML, and S plus programming.
- Database programming: entity-relational data modeling and database design, SQL, PL/SQL, C++,
Oracle developer and HTML programming. Oracle Certified Professional (2001): database application developer
- Molecular biology: Western, Southern and northern blotting, PCR, RFLP and AFLP mapping,
chromosome walking, screening cDNA and genomic library, bacterial expression of foreign proteins,
high throughput DNA sequencing, using common bioinformatics tools such as BLAST and GCG.
Last updated: August 5, 2002
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