Making Their Mark
The Heart of the Children’s Art Project

Volunteers are the heart, soul and backbone of the Children’s Art Project.

From the moment a single volunteer pursued her idea to sell young patients’ artwork as holiday cards, volunteers have been involved in every aspect of the Project.

Today, over 10,000 volunteers nationwide contribute more than 468,000 hours yearly to the Project — the equivalent of 234 full-time, paid employees. They perform more than 90 percent of the work it takes to run the Project.

On any given morning, individual volunteers can be found working together in the Project’s headquarters taking product orders, shipping packages, assisting with accounting, taking inventory and curling ribbons. A few volunteers have worked at the Project for so long that they now work in their own offices and have their own telephone lines.

During the holiday season, corporate and community groups supplement individual volunteers’ work, coming in for hours at a time and completing insurmountable tasks quickly and efficiently.

Simultaneously, volunteers across the country deliver products to retail outlets, selling products at no profit in their stores and promoting the Project through word-of-mouth and via the news media.

Volunteers serve on a Proceeds Allocation Committee, determining which patient programs will benefit from Project funds. Additionally, these individuals have spearheaded special projects, including marketing the 25th anniversary book Bunnies in my Head and encouraging corporations to become print partners by underwriting special holiday designs.

It is this special teamwork that makes the Project successful year after year. And it is the dedicated team members who will ensure that its next 25 years will be as successful as the first 25.

— Andria Frankfort

Al Segall and Travis Harper
Al Segall (left) and Travis Harper enjoy volunteering for the Children’s Art Project.

“I always notice the smiles on the children’s faces. They are smiling even while facing a serious illness. Those smiles are my reward for the work I’m doing here. That is the reason I started volunteering at M. D. Anderson, and that is why I will finish here when I no longer can work at all.”

— Al Segall, Children’s Art Project volunteer

“I enjoy being on the Children’s Art Project’s Allocation Committee because we determine how the money raised from the sale of cards and gift items is spent. It’s our responsibility to make sure the funds continue to support programs that meet the emotional, physical and social needs of these youngsters. It is wonderful to be a part of something that can make a big difference in their lives.”

— Jane Cizik, Children’s Art Project Proceeds Allocation Committee member


Carolyn Hamrick   The story continues...

“There were three staff members when I started volunteering 13 years ago. At the time, I used a small box as a desk and did office work. Eventually, I began wrapping packages of cards, and as the program grew, I took on more tasks and now volunteer four days a week. It has been an incredible experience since the very first day.”

— Carolyn Hamrick, Children’s Art Project volunteer since 1985