Upcoming and Recent Events
ChinaTrials conference USCACA oncology Sessions will be held in Beijing Nov. 8-9th. Wei Zhang will chair a session on Biomarkers and Biobanking to discuss how to best utilize these resources for clinical research and development of innovative cancer drugs.
The CABTRAC (Cancer Biology Training Consortium) is holding a Cancer Biology Chair and Program Director’s retreat. It will be in Tucson, AZ (Nov 5-7). Kristen Holmes will represent the Cancer Biology graduate students to attend this retreat. GSBS Cancer Biology program has recently been ranked as the top tier graduate program only after MIT.
Tianjin Cancer Hospital's Tumor Tissue Bank will hold its 6th international steering committee meeting on Oct 26 chaired by Dr. Wei Zhang and Dr. Sujuan Ba of the National Foundation for Cancer Res.
Dr. Zhang is invited to present at the Chinese Neuro-Oncology Society conference to be held in ChangSha on Oct 23rd.
In the coming issues of Chinese Journal of Cancer in 2011, there will be a series of papers from various cancer centers and pharmaceutical industry on Targeted Cancer Therapy. Mouse Model of Cancer and Cancer Genomics and Systems Biology will also be featured.
Hanyin is moving to Philadelphia as a postdoc at Thomas Jefferson University.
Yingmei is returning back to Tianjin General Hospital to start her surgeon-scientist career.
Pathologist, Dr. Yan Sun from Tianjin Cancer Hospital, has joined the lab as a postdoctoral fellow on Oct 3.
Dr. Zhang gave a presentation at the Sarcoma Medical Oncology Seminar series on Genomic Instability Staging for GIST and MErT in leiomyosarcoma on Sept 30.
Dr. Sofia Khan has officially joined the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. She is a Fulbright Fellow.
The managing director of the Tianjin Cancer Hospital Tissue Bank, Haixin Li, came to visit MDACC tissue bank.
Brittany Parker won the third prize in poster competition in the Neuroscience program of UT Health Science Center. Congratulations.
Lynette Moore's review paper on miR-21 in glioma is in press in the Expert Opioion on Therapeutic Target.
Dr. Zhang has taken on the Associate Editor postion for the PubMed indexed Chinese Journal of Cancer (CJC). Former students Drs. James Jabbur and Jheri Dupart have joined CJC as English Science Editors.
Dr. Zhang has been awarded a Uterine Cancer SPORE Developmental Project. This is a collaborative project with Dr. Russell Broaddus.
Drs. Zhang and Fuller's RO1 on the IGFBP2 pathway in glioma has been renewed for 5 years.
Dr. Zhang gave a presentation at the 2010 UICC (International Union Against Cancer) held in Shenzhen, China in August.
Dr. Zhang is searching for a highly organized and dedicated research assistant who has extensive experience with mouse model work and some experience in molecular biology.
Drs. Zhang and Fuller have been awarded a new 5-year RO1 to study oncogene interaction in gliomagenesis using glial specific mouse model starting on Aug 1.
Antti Ylipaa's paper on a novel Genomic Instability Staging (GIS) system for gastrointestinal stromal tumors has been accepted for publication by the journal Cancer [IF=5.4]. Congratulations to Antti and all coauthors.
Former postdoc Dr. Mustafa Akkiprik has recently been promoted to Associate Professor at Marmara University, School of Medicine in Turkey. Congratulations.
Dr. Sofia Khan, a recent PhD graduate in Bioinformatics from the University of Tampere is joining Dr. Zhang's lab as a postdoc fellow. She is a Fulbright Scholar.
Jilong Yang's paper on the novel finding of the mesenchymal to epithelial reverting transition in leiomyosarcoma has been published on line in the journal Molecular and Cellular Proteomics [IF=8.8]. Congratulations to Jilong and all coauthors.
Dr. Zhang has received the 3rd year funding from the Goldhirsh Foundation to characterize the IGFBP2-ILK-NFkB pathway in glioma development and progression.
Jilong Yang has completed his postdoc training and returned to Tianjin Cancer Hospital.
Yingmei Wang and Jing Wen's review article on MIIP gene has been accepted for publication in the journal Current Protein and Peptide Science
Yingmei Wang has received the Excellent PhD Graduate Award from the Tianjin Medical University. Congratulations
The Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative and the Reid R. Sacco Memorial Foundation have co-funded Zhang lab research project on malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor.
Dr. Zhang gave a keynote presentation on the Cancer Genome Atlas and Functional Systems Biology at The 7th Workshop on Computational Biology in Luxembourg on June 14th.
Brittany Parker ranked in 3rd place in fundraising for March of Dimes in UT Health Science Center in Houston. Great job!
Dr. Zhang has been elected to serve as the 2010-2011 President of the USCACA (US-Chinese Anti-Cancer Association). For information about USCACA, please see http://www.uscaca.org/
Zhang's lab continues to search for well-trained and highly competent researchers to join the research programs supported by two RO1s, one Center grant, and several grants from a number of major foundations.
Brittany Parker has joined Zhang lab for her PhD thesis research. Corrine Chua will join Zhang lab after her third rotation.
Jilong Yang has received the Connie and Jim Walter Fellowship in Sarcoma Research. Congratulations!
Dr. Zhang presented the Cancer Genome Atlas program and functional genomics at the 6th Chinese Conference on Oncology held in Shanghai during May 21-23. The website for the conference is http://www.cco2010.org.cn/cn/
Dr. Zhang gave one lecture on cancer genomics and graduate education at the Tianjin Cancer Hospital and two lectures on cancer research at the Tianjin General Hospital in May.
Yingmei Wang did a wonderful job in presenting her thesis defense. Congratulations
Anouk and Niek successfully finished their internship in Zhang lab and have returned to Holland in early May. We will miss you.
Zhang's lab presented 3 posters (Jilong Yang, Yingmei Wang, and Da Yang) at AACR in April. Kristen Holmes' abstract has been selected for a platform presentation in a minisymposium during AACR. Congratulations.
President Xishan Hao and Tianjin Cancer Hospital delegation visited MDACC and Texas Medical Center in April.
Three papers on the role of MIIP gene (aka IIp45) in cancer risk, cancer cell migration, and mitosis checkpoint have been published this year in Cancer Research (a collaborative project with Dr. Kexin Chen in Tianjin Cancer Hospital), JBC, and Oncogene.
Visiting student, Lina Zhang, from Dr. Kexin Chen's group at Tianjin Cancer Institute and Hospital joined the Zhang lab for six months on a collaborative project in the area of functional molecular epidemiology.
Dr. Zhang is the guest editor for a special issue (April issue) on microarray in cancer research in the journal Technologies in Cancer Research and Treatment (TCRT). Four papers are highlighted on the cover.
Dr. Yuexin Liu, who has a Master and a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Penn State Univ. and who recently completed an one-year postdoc training at Rice University, joined the GDAC center this month (April) as a postdoc.
Lynette Moore has been awarded an American Cancer Society postdoc fellowship 2010-2013. Congratulations.
Dr. Zhang presented a seminar at the Systems Biology Seminar series of the University of Turku in Finland in March. Dr. Zhang also presented a seminar at the Tampere University of Technology.
Two new graduate students, Corrine Chua and Cameron Brand, are doing their Spring rotation in our lab.
Brittany Parker rotated through the lab and did a wonderful job with Kristen Holmes.
Dr. Da Yang, who in 2009 received a PhD in Bioinformatics, joined the GDAC center (MDACC) as a postdoc.
Dr. Zhang presented a seminar on cancer cell migration signaling at the Tianjin Medical University Tianjin General Hospital in February 2010.
Dr. Shmulevich at the Institute for Systems Biology and Dr. Zhang at MDACC have received a 5-year grant in the amount of $5.5 millions from NIH to establish a Genome Data Analysis Center in the TCGA program.
Postdoc Lynette Moore and Graduate student Kristen Holmes gave two oral presentations at the 2009 Joint Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology and the AANS/CNS Section on Tumors, October 22 – 24 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Lynette received the Adult Basic Science Award at the conference. Congratulations.
Anouk Huisinga and Niek Hugen from the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre in the Netherland have joined the lab for a 6-month research internship.
A number of papers have recently been published including Lynette Moore's paper in PNAS, Jilong Yang's paper in Cancer Letters, and Jheri Duppart's paper in Mol Cancer.
Dr. Zhang and Dr. Fuller received a 1-year bridge grant from NCI to support the glioma mouse model program before the funding of an RO1 renewal.
Jheri Dupart successfully defended her PhD thesis in December, 2009.
Dr. Zhang and Dr. Hamilton received a 2-year grant from The National Foundation for Cancer Reseach to search for markers for colorectal cancer.
Dr. Zhang was invited to give a seminar at the School of Pharmacy, University of Houston.
Former postdoc Rongcai Jiang visited the lab after he presented his work on polyamine pathway in a conference in Boston. He was recently promoted to Professor at the Tianjin Medical University.
Dr. Jilong Yang, received a Young Researcher Grant from NSF China.
Dr. Ilya Shmulevich was recently promoted to Professor at the Institute for Systems Biology.
Two GSBS graduate students (Brittany Parker and Cameron Brand) will join the lab during their second and third rotations.
A new visiting PhD student, Jing Wen, funded by China Education Council will join the lab in Oct.
A new postdoc fellow, Da Yang, with a PhD in Bioinformatics will join the lab in Oct.
Lynette Moore and Kristen Holmes will give two platform presentations at the upcoming Society of Neuro-Oncology conference in New Orleans in Oct.
Lynette Moore, Kristen Holmes, Sarah Smith, Ying Wu et al have a paper in press in PNAS
A sarcoma surgeon scientist, Dr. Jilong Yang, joined the lab as a postdoc fellow from Tianjin Cancer Hospital in June.
Former graduate student and postdoc Sarah Dunlap received a postdoc fellowship on breast cancer research
Lynette Moore and Jheri Dupart were the finalists at the MDACC Trainee Research Day.
The vice president of Tianjin Medical University, Prof. Wang Yaogang visited medical center and MDACC.
Ping Ji, Lynette Moore, and Jheri Dupart presented posters at the 100th AACR held in Denver.
Dr. Zhang gave a presentation on Modern Medicine and Graduate Education at Tianjin Medical University.
Kristen Holmes reviewed the third prize at the Cancer Biology Program Retreat.
Kristen Holmes reviewed her Pharmacoinformatics Training Grant fellowship.
A new postdoc, Hanyin Cheng, has joined the lab as a postdoc fellow to work on pharmacogenomics in colon cancer. She successfully competed for a Fellowship funded by NIH Pharmacoinformatics Training Grant directed by Dr. George Stancel.
Two review articles on sarcoma have been published. The first author, Jilong Yang, will join the lab as a postdoc fellow from Tianjin Cancer Hospital in the middle of June.
Limei's NGAL paper has been published in Laboratory Investigations.
Two rotation students, Zhicheng Zhou and Umadevi Thirumurthi finished their rotation in our lab.
Kristen Holmes passed her qualifying exam unconditionally.
A GI surgeon, Ning Liu, from Tianjin Cancer Hospital has joined MDACC for clinical observation.
A visiting graduate student, Yingmei Wang, from Tianjin Medical Universtiy General Hospital joined the lab on a two year fellowship from China Education Council. She recently has a review paper accepted for publication in Mol Cancer.
James S. McDonnell Foundation has awarded a 3-year grant to Dr. Wei Zhang to investigate a new tumor suppressor gene IIp45.
Dr. Zhang has been invited to present at the World Cancer Congress of UICC in Geneva.
Dr. Zhang gave a presentation on sarcoma genomics at Tianjin Cancer Institute and Hospital.
New graduate students Monica Linan and Umadevi Thirumurthi will join the lab for their rotations in the Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 respectively.
Yingmei Wang will join the lab in Oct as a visiting student on a scholarship from the Education Council of China.
Scientific American has published a special edition on Cancer with an AACR advertisement featuring Drs. DuBois (AACR president) and Zhang.
Kristen's abstract has been accepted for presentation at the 2008 Society of Neuro-Oncology conference.
Marianne and Ken Bouldin of NFCR Hope Fund and Sree Kumar of NFCR came to MDACC to join a special progress report of MPNST research presented by Drs. Dina Lev and Wei Zhang groups. Antti presented the array CGH project. (July 18th)
Antti Ylipaa has moved to ISB in Seattle to work with Ilya Shmulevich.
Drs. Zhang and Hamilton chaired the second MDACC Cancer Genomics Minisymposium sponsored by Agilent. 9:30 am - 2 pm, July 15th, 2008. Nine MDACC investigators and an Agilent informatician presented. More than 100 people attended. The minisymposium highlighted 9 projects supported by the Cancer Genomics Core Laboratory. One project led by Dr. Yinling Hu's group just had a paper accepted by Cancer Cell.
Drs. Zhang and Fuller have been awarded a three year Goldhirsh Foundation grant to study IGFBP2-ILK pathways in glioma.
Dr. Zhang has become a regular member of the NIH Cancer Genetics Study Section.
Jheir was nominated to receive an one-year AAAS/Science Memberships.
Jheri Dupart was a finalist in the Trainee Research Day. Congratulations
Drs. Zhang and Fuller presented at the Pathology in the 21st Century conference. May 2-3, 2008. Houston, TX.
Sarah has left for UT Austin for her second postdoc training.
Antti Ylipaa has joined the lab from Finland for a few months.
Dr. Zhang presented at the Croucher Advanced Study Institute "Mathematical and Algorithmic Challenges for Modeling and Analyzing Modern Data Sets" in Hong Kong, 21-25 April 2008.
Dr. Zhang presented at the China Southern Genome Center, Shanghai, April 26, 2008.
Jheri Dupart has received the Sowell Huggins Scholarship from the graduate school. Congratulations
Sarah Dunlap has received the Trainee Excellence Award at MDACC. Congratulations
Vice President Ying Wang led the third delegation from Tianjin Cancer Hospital and Institute to visit MDACC.
Dr. Zhang presented at the Fourth Annual Neurooncology Symposium "Innovations in Neurooncology". Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, New Jersey March 28, 2008.
Dr. Zhang participated in the Cancer Genome Atlas workshop at NCI: Genomics and Biology of GBM. NCI, Bethesda, Maryland, March 24-25, 2008
Dr. Zhang and colleagues (Fuller, Dougherty, Hess) has been awarded a patent on March 11, 2008. US patent 7,341,552: Strong Gene Sets for Glioma Classification
Kristen Holmes has received a fellowship from the NIH Pharmacoinformatic Training Grant and been appointed a Keck Fellow. Congratulations.
Kristen Holmes received the 1st Prize in the poster competition at the 2008 Cancer Biology Program Retreat. Congratulations.
Dr. Zhang has been awarded a grant from NFCR Hope Fund to work on a pilot genomic study on Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors (MPNST).
Dr. Zhang was invited to present in the Department of Physiology at the UT Southwestern in February 2008.
Dr. Jim Li, a neuropathology fellow, joined the lab to work on research projects for 7 months.
Sarah Dunlap and Kristen Holmes submitted two abstracts to the 2008 Annual AACR Symposium.
Sarah has successfully defended her PhD thesis on November 28th. Congratulations! Sarah will continue as a postdoc for a few months.
US Patent office has issued a patent (#7,257,563) on August 14th 2007 to Ilya Shmulevich, Edward Dougherty, and Wei Zhang. The patent is entitled "Probabilistic Boolean Networks."
Dr. Lynette Moore, who recently graduated from Baylor College of Medicine, has joined the lab as a postdoctoral fellow.
New graduate students Heather Highland and Qin Li have joined the lab for their first rotation. Huijuan Song will join the lab for the third rotation.
National Foundation for Cancer Research has awarded a two-year grant to Drs. Wei Zhang and Stanley Hamilton to study the role of NGAL in colon cancer.
Dr. Zhang was invited to present at the 4th International Think Tank Forum: Anti-Cancer Innovation and Global Collaboration on November 14-16, 2007 in Hong Kong. Organized by National Foundation for Cancer Research. For information, http://www2.nfcr.org/site/R?i=IV2Bi46-DswGv1XJfEP6Ww.
Sarah has been reappointed as an American Legion Auxiliary Fellow in Cancer Research for the 2007-2008 academic year. Congratulations.
Dr. Zhang has joined the Editorial Board of Comparative and Functional Genomics.
Dr. Zhang presented "Identification and validation of diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets" at the 5th National Conference on Oncology for Young Investigators, Chinese Medical Association, September 14-16, 2007. Lanzhou, China.
Dr. Zhang presented "Cancer Genomics and Cancer Systems Biology: Identification and validation of diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets" at the World Cancer Conference: Cancer Research & Cancer Drug Discovery. September 13-14, 2007. Beijing, China. For program please see: www.ibcchina.com.cn
Jheri Dupart's NIH predoctoral fellowship has been renewed for the thrid year. Congratulations.
Former postdoctoral fellow, Rongcai Jiang, has received a NSF grant in China to continue his work started in our lab. His most recent paper has been accepted for publication in Cancer Biology and Therapy.
Sarah Dunlap has been selected to attend the Second Annual NIH National Graduate Student Research Festival and present a poster. The event is scheduled for October 11 - 12, 2007 on the main campus of the NIH in Bethesda, MD.
Dr. Zhang was invited to present "Modeling of Genetic Regulatory Networks: a Data-Driven Process" at the conference "Computational Methods in Biomolecular Structures and Interaction Networks" Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore, July 15-21, 2007.
A paper by graduate student Sarah Dunlap et al. has been published in the Proc Natl Acad. Sci USA. MDACC has issued a news release on this story. Other authors include Celestino J, Wang H, Jiang R, and Holland E. Drs. Greg Fuller and Wei Zhang are senior authors.
Dr. Ying Wu joined the lab as an Instructor.
Dr. Zhang gave a presentation on Cancer Genomics and Cancer Systems Biology at the Tianjin Medical University General Hospital. Dr. Zhang also gave a presentation on "Comparative Graduate Education in the US and China" at Tianjin Medical University. June 2007.
Sarah Dunlap won 1st Place, MD Anderson Alumni and Faculty Association Graduate Student Award in Clinical/Translational Research. MDACC Trainee Recognition Day Research Competition. She gave a platform presentation on May 25th, 2007. Sarah won the second prize at the same event of last year.
Kristen Holmes has joined the lab for her PhD thesis.
Robin Henry has joined the lab for her third rotation in GSBS.
After 1.5 years' successful research, Kanchana has left the lab and will pursue a new teaching opportunity close to home. Her second paper has recently been submitted.
George Wang officially received his PhD degree at the Graduation Ceremony and will be leaving for New York for Internal Medicine internship at Mt Sinai Medical School, New York 2007
Kanchana's protein lysate array paper has been published in Journal of Proteome Research. An interview of Dr. Zhang about this article will be profiled in an article in BioScience Technology.
Dr. Ping Ji will join the lab as an Instructor in July
Kexin Chen, the Chief of Epidemiology at Tianjin Cancer Hospital finished her work at MDACC and returned to Tianjin. She was at Dr. Qingyi Wei's group for one year and three months working on a collaborative project between Dr. Wei and Dr. Zhang. She has one paper in press in Clinical Cancer Research and one paper submitted ot Carcinogenesis.
Former postdoc Mustafa Akkiprik has received his first funding from TUBITAK (Scientific Research&Technology Council of Turkey. He is a faculty member at Marmara University, School of Medicine.
Former postdoc Rongcai Jiang has been recruited as an Associate Professor and Staff Director at the Tianjin Medical University General Hospital.
Dr. Zhang presented Brain Tumor Research, an overview at the "Together in Hope" National Brain Tumor Patient conference. Houston, TX, May 20, 2007.
Sarah Dunlap and Limei Hu presented two posters at AACR in LA this May. Drs. Xishan Hao and Ying Wang led a Chinese Anti-Cancer Association delegation and participated in AACR. Yumei Feng, who worked in our lab for a year, also presented a poster at AACR on her breast genomics studies, which is in press in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment.
Dr. Jon Trent chaired an institutional grand rounds on sarcoma research. Drs. Trent and Zhang presented their work on sarcoma pharmacogenomic studies.
Dr. Zhang participated in a panel presentation and discussion on Cancer Metastasis at the Eighteenth Annual Cancer Progress Conference, March, New York.
Our sarcoma genomics paper by Price et al. is published in PNAS. In this paper, we report a pair of robust and highly accurate markers for differentiating gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) and leiomyosarcoma. This is a collaborative project between MDACC and Institute for Systems Biology. At MDACC, Drs. Zhang, Trent, El-Naggar, Hunt, and Pollock as well as Core Lab researcher Cogdell and Taylor participated in the investigation. At ISB, Price, Hood, and Shmulevich participated in this research. A news release was issued by MDACC and by the Institute for Systems Biology.
Sarah received the third prize at the Cancer Biology Program Retreat for her presentation.
Sarah received a travel award from graduate school to present a poster on IIp45 gene at the upcoming AACR.
Woonyoung Choi has been promoted to Instructor in the Department of Cancer Biology. Congratulations and best wishes.
Dr. Xishan Hao, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Tianjin Medical University, visited MDACC after a meeting in San Antonio in preparation for the 4th World Congress of Breast Health to be held in Tianjin 2007.
A special issue on Cancer Genomics with Dr. Zhang as the guest editor was published in December in journal Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment. Former postdocs Mustafa and Daniel have a paper on breast cancer signal transduction pathways using protein lysate array in this special issue.
In the Society for Neuro-Oncology meeting, Sarah gave two platform presentations, Dr. Zhang gave a platform presentation for George Wang. Two additional posters were presented as well from our group.
Dr. Zhang chaired an Institutional Grand Rounds on Cancer Systems Biology on November 10. Drs. Zhang, Trent, and Freireich presented. Dr. Freireich has worked at MDACC for 41 years!
Dr. Ming Guo's paper on HPV detection in cervical cancer using real-time PCR conducted in our Core Lab has been e-published by Modern Pathology.
George Wang successfully defended his PhD thesis on Oct 6th. Congratulations Dr. Wang!
Rongcai Jiang finished his 2.5 years postdoc fellowship on Oct 4th and will return to China this month. Daniel Nicorici completed his 6 month postdoc fellowship with us and returned to Finland.
Dr. Zhang was invited to present Cancer Systems Biology at The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Galveston, Texas. September 29th, 2006.
Sarah was appointed as an American Legion Auxiliary Fellow in Cancer Research for the 2006-2007 academic year. Congratulations.
Two incoming graduate students of GSBS, Kristen Holmes and Borislava Tsanova, have joined the lab for a rotation.
Ellen Taylor and family have moved back to Indiana. Ellen worked in our lab for 6 years and contributed to many projects and co-authored a number of papers. Also, Dr. Yuan Pan has finished his 1 year work in our lab and will return to Tianjin Cancer Hospital.
The 4th Chinese Conference on Oncology will be held during Oct 26-29, 2006 in Tianjin, China. Dr. Zhang will give a presentation on cancer systems biology at the conference. For information, please e-mail: info@cco2006.org.
Dr. Shmulevich, who has moved to ISB in Seattle, was recently profiled in the magazine The Scientist.
The paper by Dr. Trent et al on induction of IGFBP3 by Gleevec in GIST has been published in Cancer.
Dr. Zhang received a grant from the Goldhirsh Foundation to study glioma systems biology.
Dr. Wei Zhang has been invited to guest edit a special issue of Microarrays in Cancer Research for Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment. (December issue)
Stanford student Rakesh Amaram is working with Sarah Dunlap this summer as a volunteer.
Mustafa Akkiprik completed his one year postdoc training and has returned to Turkey to start his laboratory at the Marmara University in Istanbul.
George Wang has gone back to University of Texas Medical School to complete his last year for his MD degree.
Dr. Wei Zhang presented colon cancer genomics at the M. D. Anderson Physicians Network 2nd Annual Cancer Symposium at Kauai, scheduled for June 26-30, 2006
Drs. Xishan Hao and Ying Wang visited MDACC to sign the sister institute agreement between Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital with MDACC. A signing ceremony was held on June 7th where Dr. Hao and Dr. Mendelsohn signed the agreement. Dr. Hao also presented the Tianjin cancer epedemiology studies the following day at the MDACC sister institute conference. At the July conference of UICC (International Union Against Cancer), Dr. Hao was elected to the board of directors.
Rongcai's paper is out in Proteomics and it is highlighted on the cover.
Sarah received the second prize for the MDACC Trainee Recognition Day platform competition.
Drs. Wei Zhang and Stanley Hamilton chaired a minisymposium on Cancer Genomics at MDACC on May 17, 2006. This symposium was rescheduled to this new date because of Rita.
Jheri has passed her oral exam unconditionally.
George will complete his PhD program and return to the last year in medical school in July. George is scheduled to defend his thesis before October.
Dr. Wei Zhang is invited to present at the 5th annual Symposium on Systems Biology, April 2006, Seattle, WA
Dr. Zhang is giving a presentation at Samsung Medical Center on April 14th.
Sarah gave a platform presentation at AACR. She is one of few graduate students who have received Scholar-in-Training Grant and presented at a minisymposium.
Tennis Star James Blake came to visit the lab. He is donating money to support GI cancer research.
George and Limei's paper on IGFBP2/integrin alpha 5 is in press in Journal of Biological Chemistry. Congratulations!
Dr. Wei Zhang gave a presentation at the World Microarray Congress in Vancouver, Canada.
Woonyoung's paper on SSAT regulation by NFkb is in press in Molecular Carcinogenesis.
Jheri has passed her written test as part of her qualifying exam.
The second edition of book "Computational and Statistical Approaches to Genomics" edited by Drs. Wei Zhang and Ilya Shmulevich has been published by Springer.
Sarah is presenting her work at the USCAP conference in Atlanta, February 14, 2006.
Sarah won an AACR-AFLAC, Incorporated Scholar-in-Training Award to present at 2006 AACR annual meeting. Only 10% applicants received the award. Congratulations.
Sarah won the third prize at the Cancer Biology Retreat. Congratulations.
Jheri has received the Minority Faculty Association (MFA) Scholarship: Jones/Wharton Cancer Research Scholarship, Texas Medical Center, 2006.
Matt and Sarah's paper on Shrew1 gene is featured on the cover of Cancer Biology and Therapy, March issue of 2006.
Sarah has been selected for a platform presentation at the 2006 AACR symposium, Washington, DC, April 2006.
The President of Tianjin Midical University and Cancer Hospital, Dr. Xishan Hao visited our group.
Sarah has been selected to give a platform presentation at the 2006 USCAP symposium, Atlanta, February 2006.
Sarah received a travel award from GSBS to present at the USCAP meeting
Sarah successfully passed her qualify exam. Now it is time to get some real work done:=)
Wei Zhang has been invited to serve as a section editor of Molecular Pathology, Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine)
Matt and Sarah's paper on Shrew 1 gene in oligodendrogliomas has been accepted for publication in Cancer Biology and Therapy. Rongcai and Cristian's glioma signal transduction paper with lysate array technology is in press in Proteomics.
Cristian Mircean has successfully defended his PhD thesis and will work as a postdoc under Dr. Dougherty in 2006.
Yumei Feng has completed her 1-yr work at MDACC and returned to Tianjin Cancer Institute and Hospital.
Dr. Wei Zhang presented at the conference "ANIMAL MODELS OF HUMAN MALIGNANCIES AND BIOTHERAPIES" organized by European Commission's Marie Curie Actions Programme. Budapest, Nov 25-27.
Dr. Wei Zhang is invited to present at the Second Workshop on Models for Genetic Regulatory
Networks, Texas A&M University, November 7/8, 2005
Jheri Dupart has received a Minority Scholar travel award to attend and present at the AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference "Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics" to be held in Philadelphia during Nov 14-18.
Dr. Wei Zhang is invited to present a talk "Application of genomics and preteomics in cancer research" at the international conference on Anti-Cancer Innovations: Research for a Cure. October 13-15, 2005. Beijing, China. Organized by National Foundation for Cancer Research and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.
Dr. Kanchana Natarajan joins the lab as an Instructor.
Sarah is selected to give a platform presentation at 2nd International conference on Tumor Progression & Therapeutic Resistance, Boston, Sept 18-20.
Drs. Wei Zhang and Stanley Hamilton are awarded a 2-year research grant from National Foundation for Cancer Research to study colon cancer biology.
Dr. Wei Zhang presented at the Institute of Biocomplexity and Informatics Conference on Systems Biology. August 27-31, Calgary, Canada.
Dr. Yuan Pan, M.D., PhD, a colon cancer surgeon in Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital, joined the lab in August on a Norvatis-M. D. Anderson Cancer Center fellowship.
Angela McMillian, a graduate of UT, joined the lab.
Sang Lee joined the lab for a summer internship.
A concept grant from DOD (Army breast cancer program) has been awarded to Wei Zhang.
Mustafa Akkiprik, Ph.D. joined the lab as a postdoc to work with Drs. Ayse Sahin and Wei Zhang.
The book "Genomic and Molecular Neuro-Oncology" edited by Wei Zhang and Gregory Fuller has been translated into Chinese by Dr. Peiyu Pu and colleagues and published in China.
Woonyoung Choi presented her work on polyamine pathway in colon cancer therapeutics in Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, July, 2005.
Woonyoung Choi presented a poster at the Gordon Research Conference on Polyamines, June, 2005.
Wei Zhang presented at the Samsung Medical Center in Seoul, Korea, June 13, 2005.
Wei Zhang presented at the Korean Cancer Hospital in Seoul, Korea, June 14, 2005.
Wei Zhang presented "Understanding Cancer Systems" at the annual conference of the China Cancer Association in Dalian, China, June 2-5, 2005.
Jheri Dupart has successfully competed for a NIH predoctoral fellowship. Congratulations..
Hubert Nguyen joined the lab as a volunteer for the summer.
Ying Zhao is retiring after working at MDACC for 15 years. Congratulations and enjoy.
Denise Juroske has completed her rotation as part of the training program from UTMDACC School of Health Sciences under the direction of Ellen Taylor, who is an adjunct faculty.
Lynsey Proctor has gone to Medical School at UTMB.
Dr. Xishan Hao, the president of Tianjin Medical University and its Cancer Institute and Hospital, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, visited MDACC and our lab. Dr. Hao was invited to attend the MDACC Sister Institution conference.
Sarah Dunlap has received a NIH Pharmacoinformatics Predoctoral Fellowship and has been appointed as a Keck Fellow. Congratulations.
Wei Zhang has been invited to present at the "Together we hope” National Brain Tumor Patient conference. Houston, TX, May 2005
Woonyoung Choi, George Wang, and Sarah Dunlap will present at the upcoming AACR annual meeting in April.
Wei Zhang has been invited to present "Dissecting Cancer Invasion and Metastasis through Genomics" at the IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics, May 22-24, 2005, Rhode Island. Ilya Shmulevich, Edward, Dougherty, and Stu Kauffman will also be presenting.
Wei Zhang has been invited to present at the 2005 International Symposium on Breast Cancer, April 17-19, 2005, Tianjin, China
Jiyuan Sun has joined the lab to work on his PhD thesis. Welcome.
Lynsey Proctor has been accepted by the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston to start her medical career. Congratulations!
Albert Huang will transfer to the University of Washington and join Dr. Shmulevich at ISB for his PhD study.
Ilya Shmulevich has been recruited to the Institute of Systems Biology (ISB) as an Associate Professor beginning in April. ISB, directed by Dr. Leroy Hood, is a leader in systems biology. Congratulations!
Wei Zhang presented a seminar on "Regulation of Cancer Invasion by IGFBP2 and IIp45" at Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center in San Diego on Feb 2, 2005.
Sonya Song has received an offer to become the Project Director in the Division of Cancer Medicine of MDACC starting on Feb 1st. Congratulations on the career advancement.
Harri, Ilya, Valerie paper on In silico microdissection of microarray data from mixed cell populations has been accepted by BMC Bioinformatics.
Ilya Shmulevich has been invited to present at the Keystone conference on Systems Biology this April.
Cristain and Rongcai presented two posters at the Oncogenomics 2005 conference held in San Diego, Feb 2-6, 2005.
Sonya's paper on IIp45 splicing has been accepted by Cancer Res.
Cristian presented the protein lysate array poster (co-authored by Ilya, Ioan, Dave, Jack, Woonyoung, Stan, Wei) at CHI Protein Array Pep-talk and won the “Best Scientific Poster Award, San Diego, January 10, 2005.
Professor Ollio Yli-Harja from Finland has begun his 3 month sabatical in our lab.
Joseph Celestino has joined the lab on a part-time basis to support the glioma animal model project.
Graduate Student Binbin Deng has joined the lab for a rotation.
Woonyoung Choi's paper on colon cancer has been e-published in J. Biol Chem. Congratulations.
Core Lab has completed a Tumor Cell Line protein array that contains 90 different cancer cell lines. This array is available to all MDACC investigators. We have also completed a glioma array with 90 different glioma tissues.
A paper on protein lysate array analysis by Cristian Mircean, Ilya Shmulevich etc has been published on-line by Bioinformatics.
Yumei Feng, a research investigator from Tianjin Cancer Hospital is joining the lab for six months.
Wei Zhang is invited to present at U Mass Cancer Center on Oct 26, 2004.
George Wang's review article on cancer invasion is in press in Histology and Histopathology
Matti Nykter, a graduate student from Tampere University of Technology, Institute of Signal Processing, Finland joined the lab to work with Dr. Shmulevich for six months.
Ilya Shmulevich gave a presentation at the Toxicogenomics International Forum 2004, October 12-13, Japan
A paper to be publised in the first issue of a new journal: Trent J, Dupart J, and Zhang W. Imatinib mesylate: Targeted therapy of gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Current Cancer Therapy Reviews (in press)
Dr. Shmulevich (PI) and Dr. Zhang (co-PI) received a new RO1 to study genetic regulatory network.
The paper we published in BMC Genomics entitled "Improving signal intensities for genes with low-expression on oligonucleotide microarrays" has been accessed 1587 times up till Sept 29 based on BioMed Central statistics.
Wei Zhang is featured on the Author Profiles of BioMed Central http://www.biomedcentral.com/pioneer/profiles/.
First year graduate students Jiyuan Sun and Qianghua Xia joined the lab for rotation. Welcome.
Matt McDonald successfully defended his PhD thesis on July 28th. Congratulations! Matt is doing a postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Aldape.