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Institutional Vector Core
Guidelines for Requesting Recombinant Adenovirus
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Prior to the submission of a request for recombinant adenovirus, each requestor must read and adhere to the following guidelines;

  1. All requests should be given to either Allan Prejusa or Trupti Mehta, phone:(713) 792-8905.

  2. A separate form should be filled out for each virus requested.

  3. Please indicate the minimum amount of virus required based on either total number of viral particles (O.D.) and/or number of infection particles (plaque forming units). Approximately 30% more will be given to allow for loss during pipetting, etc.

  4. All virus will be supplied in frozen form unless otherwise requested. All virus should be stored frozen at -80°C and diluted in appropriate buffers, e.g. PBS, just prior to use. Avoid to freeze diluted virus, or repeatedly freeze/thaw the virus as a significant loss of viral titer will occur.

  5. If a large amount of vector is requested (> 1 ml of concentrated vector (1~2 x 1012 particle/ml)), please notify the Vector Core one month prior to the date of vector being provided.

  6. Production of new vectors requires 6 weeks prior to the date of the vector being provided. All new vectors must be approved by Institutional Biosafety Committee before they can be produced in the Vector Core.