Welcome to
the Summer 2000 issue of Generation to Generation, now
entering its second year of publication. We hope that you have
found this newsletter to be helpful and informative. To help us
continue learning about our readers and improving the newsletter,
we are once again asking you to complete a survey. Please take
a few minutes and tell us what you think. This issue contains
information regarding some of the exciting research continuing
to be done in the area of hereditary colon cancer. The eligibility
criteria for the new chemoprevention study for individuals with
familial adenomatous polyposis being conducted at M. D. Anderson
Cancer Center are discussed. We are also including information
about research being done on juvenile polyposis (JP), another
genetic condition associated with the development of colon polyps.
Over the past year, we have received several questions from readers
and patients about reproductive issues relating to their genetic
condition or cancer history. Sometimes individuals may have fertility
problems due surgeries or cancer treatments. Other individuals
have concerns about the risk for passing on a genetic condition
to their children. In the next issue of the newsletter, we will
try to address some of these issues. However, we realize that
these are sensitive topics associated with strong feelings. We
would very much like to have our readers input on this upcoming
issue. If you would like to be involved in the planning of this
issue, please contact us at wsternit@mdanderson.org
or at 1-800-472-4376.
The Editors