6. |
Please check all that apply: |
I have been diagnosed with colon
cancer |
I have a relative or friend with
colon cancer |
Myself or a member
of my family has been diagnosed with a hereditary colon cancer
syndrome. If so, which condition? |
familial adenomatous polyposis
(FAP)/Gardners syndrome |
hereditary non-polyposis colon
cancer (HNPCC) |
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome |
Juvenile polyposis |
Other ____________________________________________ |
I am a health care professional
If so, are you a: |
Doctor |
Social Worker |
Registry Coordinator |
Nurse |
Genetic counselor |
_____________ |
What is your area of specialization? |
8. |
Have you ever shared the newsletter
with anyone else? YES NO
Please circle all
that apply. |
Health care provider
Teachers Family
Friends Other_______ |
9. |
Do you have access
to the Internet? YES NO |
10. |
Do you currently use
online resources such as message boards, mailing lists, or chat
rooms? YES NO
11. |
If so, what topics
do they address? __________________________________________ |
12. |
What format would you
prefer participating in? Please order the options with 1
being most preferred and 3 being least preferred. |
A. Mailing list
(members communicate through emails distributed to the entire
group) _____ |
B. Message board
(members visit a website where they can post and read message)
_____ |
C. Chat room
(members visit a website communicate with each other in real
time) _____ |
13. |
Do you think access
to the service should be (please circle your choice). |
A. Open to the
public B. Require registration
and a password to access the service |
14. |
Would you like the
networking service to be monitored by health care professionals
to answer questions and respond to inquiries?
15. |
How likely do you think
you would be to use a service like this? |
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely |