S. Cleeland, PhD, Director
Dr. Cleeland is
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center's McCullough Professor
of Cancer Research, Professor of Medicine in the Department of Symptom
Control and Palliative Care, director of the Pain Research Group, and
director of the PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center in Supportive Cancer Care.
His current research, supported by the National Institutes of Health,
the Department of Defense, and the American Cancer Society, includes
several epidemiological studies of pain and other symptoms of cancer
patients, laboratory studies of the mechanisms of pain and other symptoms,
clinical trials on pain relief skills for minority outpatients and their
caregivers, and the establishment of a research center for symptom control
in oncology. Dr. Cleeland's research is widely published. His most recent
efforts focus on grading pain and fatigue severity in cancer patients
and national and international clinical trails in symptom management.
Dr. Cleeland served as president of the American Pain Society in 1995-96,
chair of the U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee in 1989-96, and currently
serves as chair of the scientific advisory board of the American Pain
- Fellowship:
NIH Post-Doctoral Fellow, Neuropsychology, University of Wisconsin
Medical School
- PhD, Clinical
Psychology (Psychopharmacology), Washington University
- BA (Honors),
Wesleyan University
Cleeland CS, Janjan
NA, Scott CB, Seiferheld WF, Curran WJ. Cancer Pain Management by Radiotherapists:
A Survey of Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Physicians. International
Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, In press 1999.
Wang XS, Cleeland
CS, Mendoza TR, et al: The effects of pain severity on health-related
quality of life: A study with Chinese cancer patients. Cancer, In press
Mendoza TR, Wang
XS, Cleeland CS, et al. The rapid assessment of fatigue severity in
cancer patients: Use of the Brief Fatigue Inventory. Cancer 1999;85:1186-1196.
Cleeland CS, Gonin
R, Baez L, Loehrer P, Pandya KJ. Pain and treatment of pain in minority
patients with cancer. The Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Minority
Outpatient Pain Study. Annals of Internal Medicine 1997;127:813-816.
Cleeland CS, Nakamura
Y, Howland EW, Morgan NR, Edwards KR, Backonja M. Effects of oral morphine
on cold pressor tolerance time and neuropsychological performance. Neuropsychopharmacology
Cleeland CS, Gonin
R, Hatfield AK, Pandya KJ. Pain and its treatment in outpatients
with metastatic cancer. New England Journal of Medicine 1994;330:592-596.
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