Pain Research Group has been working since 1979 to design appropriate
tools for the assessment of the symptoms experienced by patients with
cancer. In 1989, Charles S. Cleeland, Ph.D.
and the Pain Research Group developed and validated the Brief
Pain Inventory© (BPI) as a rapid and easily
administered tool for the assessment of the severity and impact of cancer
pain. Since this time, the BPI has been translated and validated into
several languages, and has been widely used in both research and clinical
settings. Recently, the PRG has expanded its research into other symptoms,
with the development of the Brief
Fatigue Inventory© to assess fatigue, and
the development of the M. D.
Anderson Symptom Inventory© to assess the
severity and impact of multiple symptoms (e.g., distress, nausea, and
shortness of breath). Future research will focus on using these brief
and simple tools with new technologies such as Interactive Voice Response
systems to provide assessment and treatment of patients' symptoms while
they are at home.