C. Stratton Hill, MD, Professor Emeritus of
Dr. Hill founded the Pain Service at The University of Texas M. D.
Anderson Cancer Center in 1981. He served on the faculty for 35 years.
Dr. Hill has been a champion for the adequate and appropriate treatment
of pain throughout his career. Besides promoting optimum clinical care,
Dr. Hill is active in legislative efforts to remove state and federal
regulations that are barriers to adequate pain relief. In recognition
of his lifelong achievements, he received the 1995 America Cancer Society
Humanitarian Award. Dr. Hill continues to promote education about pain
management. He serves on the pain management education task force of
the CATCHUM Project (Cancer Teaching and Curriculum Enhancement in Undergraduate
Medicine) and continues to be an active lecturer.
- Residency & Fellowship: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,
Bellevue Hospital, Cornell Medical College
- MD, University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Memphis, Tennessee
- BA, Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee
Selected Publications:
Hill CS Jr., Rogers AG, Audell LG, Kanner R, Miaskowski C, Paice J.
Management of pain in special population of cancer patients. Oncology
1998; 12:573-587.
Hill CS Jr. The barriers to adequate pain management with opioid analgesics.
Seminars in Oncology 1993; 20 Suppl 1:1-5.
Hill CS Jr. The negative influence of licensing and disciplinary boards
and drug enforcement agencies on pain treatment with opioid analgesics.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Care in Pain & Symptom Control 1993;1:43-62.
Email address: cshill@wescomp.com
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