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What's new in the department?

Updated August, 2002

Curriculum vitae and bibliography added - Lin Ji, Ph.D.

Curriculum vitae and bibliography updated Putnam, Swisher, Vaporciyan, and Smythe.

Updated October, 2001

Curriculum vitae and bibliography added - Rajagopal Ramesh, Ph.D.

Updated June, 2001

Annual meetings and abstract deadlines added.

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Updated January, 2001

Curriculum vitae and bibiliography added - Jack A. Roth, M.D.

Curriculum vitae and bibiliography added - Joe B. Putnam, Jr., M.D.

Information on Tracheal and Endobronchial Tumors added to Specific Diseases

Information on Tumors Invading Vascular And/Or Cardiac Structures added to Specific Diseases

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Updated May, 2002

Annual meetings and abstract deadlines updated.

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