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  Jack Roth , M.D.
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Bibliography - Jack A. Roth, M.D.

Published and accepted book chapters:

  1. Roth, J.A., Sugarbaker, P.H., and Baker, A.R. Radical forequarter amputation with chest wall resection. In: P.H. Sugarbaker and T.H. Nicholson (eds.), Atlas of Extremity Sarcoma Surgery. pp. 177-191. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Company, 1984.
  2. Balch, C.M., Milton, G.W., and Roth, J.A. Diagnosis of metastatic melanoma at distant sites. In: C.M. Balch and G. Milton (eds.), Cutaneous Melanoma: Clinical Management and Treatment Results Worldwide. pp. 221-250. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1985.
  3. Rosenberg, J.C., Roth, J.A., Lichter, A.S., and Kelsen, D.P. Cancer of the esophagus. In: V.T. DeVita, Jr., S. Hellman, and S.A. Rosenberg (eds.), Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology. pp. 621-657. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Company, 1985.
  4. Roth, J.A. Treatment of pulmonary metastases. In: V.T. DeVita, S. Hellman, and S.A. Rosenberg (eds.), Cancer: Principles and Practices of Oncology. pp. 2117-2131. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co., 1985.
  5. Roth, J.A. Treatment of metastatic cancer: treatment of metastatic cancer to lung. In: V.T. DeVita, Jr., S. Hellman, and S.A. Rosenberg (eds.), Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology. pp. 2104-2117. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co., 1985.
  6. Roth, J.A. Endoscopy for thoracic oncologic diseases. In: V.T. DeVita, Jr., S. Hellman, and S.A. Rosenberg (eds.), Cancer: Principles and Practices of Oncology. pp. 353-406. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co., 1985.
  7. Sugarbaker, P.H. and Roth, J.A. Specialized techniques of diagnosis: endoscopy. In: V.T. DeVita, Jr., S. Hellman, and S.A. Rosenberg (eds.), Cancer: Principles and Practices of Oncology. pp. 353-374. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Company, 1985.
  8. Grimm, E.A., Roth, J.A., and Yagita, M. Effect of OK-432 activated cytolytic lymphocytes on NK resistant fresh tumor cells. In: N. Ishida and G. Klein (eds.), Host Defense Mechanisms and Immunopotentiators. pp. 67-74. Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 1986.
  9. Roth, J.A. Oncogenes and monoclonal antibodies. In: J.A. Roth (ed.), Monoclonal Antibodies in Cancer: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment. pp. 289-321. Mount Kisco, NY, Futura Publishing Company, Inc., 1986.
  10. Kern, K.A., Pass, H.I., and Roth, J.A. Surgical treatment of pulmonary metastases. In: S.A. Rosenberg (ed.), Surgical Treatment of Metastatic Cancer. pp. 69-100. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co., 1987.
  11. Ognibene, F.P., Pass, H.I., Roth, J.A., and Shelhamer, J.H. The diagnosis and therapy of respiratory disease in the immunosuppressed host. In: J.E. Parrillo and H. Masur (eds.), The Critically Ill Immunosuppressed Patient. pp. 39-80. Aspen, Aspen Publications, 1987.
  12. Pass, H.I. and Roth, J.A. Diagnosis of pulmonary metastases. In: V.T. DeVita, Jr., S. Hellman, and S.A. Rosenberg (eds.), Surgical Treatment of Metastatic Cancer. pp. 37-67. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co., 1987.
  13. Roth, J.A. Oncogenes and monoclonal antibodies. In: J.A. Roth (ed.), Monoclonal Antibodies for the Diagnosis and Therapy for Cancer. pp. 289-321. Mount Kisco, NY, Futura Publishing Co., Inc., 1987.
  14. Moody, F.G. and Roth, J.A. The esophagus and diaphragmatic hernias. In: J.D. Hardy (ed.), Hardy's Textbook of Surgery. pp. 485-513. 1988.
  15. Roth, J.A. Prognostic indicators for soft tissue sarcoma patients with pulmonary metastases. In: J.R. Ryan and L.O. Baker (eds.), Recent Concepts in Sarcoma Treatment. pp. 191-196. Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988.
  16. Roth, J.A. Resection of pulmonary metastases. In: J .A. Roth, J. Ruckdeschel, and T. Weisenberger (eds.), Thoracic Oncology. pp. 619-630. W.B. Saunders Co., 1988.
  17. Roth, J.A. and Kelsen, D.P. Surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy for carcinoma of the esophagus. In: J.A. Roth, J. Ruckdeschel, and T. Weisenberger (eds.), Thoracic Oncology. pp. 379-394. W.B. Saunders, 1988.
  18. Ajani, J.A., McMurtrey, M.J., Rich, T.A., Blackburn, R., Chang-Tung, E., Levin, B., Roth, J.A., and Mountain, C.F. Carcinoma of the esophagus: Contribution of chemotherapy. In: B. Levin (ed.), Gastrointestinal Cancer: Current Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment. pp. 273-281. Houston, University of Texas Press, 1989.
  19. Roth, J.A., Pass, H.I., Flanagan, M.M., Graeber, G.M., Rosenberg, J.C., and Steinberg, S. Clinical trials with cisplatin, vindesine, and bleomycin neoajuvant chemotherapy for epidermoid carcinoma of the esophagus. In: B. Levin (ed.), Gastrointestinal Cancer: Current Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment. pp. 253-259.Houston, University of Texas Press, 1989.
  20. Roth, J.A. Treatment of metastatic cancer: treatment of metastatic cancer to lung. In: V.T. DeVita, Jr., S. Hellman, and S.A. Rosenberg (eds.), Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology. pp. 2261-2275. Phildelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co., 1989.
  21. Roth, J.A. Solitary pulmonary nodule. In: J.E. Fischer (ed.), Common Problems in Gastrointestinal Surgery. pp. 53-58. Year Book Medical Publishers, 1989.
  22. Sugarbaker, P.H. and Roth, J.A. Specialized techniques of cancer management: endoscopy. In: V.T. DeVita, Jr., S. Hellman, and S.A. Rosenberg (eds.), Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology. pp. 423-440. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co., 1989.
  23. Pollock, R.E., Balch, C.M., Roth, J.A., McPeek, B., and Mosteller, F. Formulating an initial research plan. In: H. Troidl, M.F. McKneally, D.S. Mulder, A.S. Wechsler, B. McPeek, and W.O. Spitzer (eds.), Surgical Research: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice. pp. 363-365. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1991.
  24. Putnam, J.B. and Roth, J.A. Resection of pulmonary metastases. In: J.E. Niederhuber (ed.), Current Therapy in Oncology. pp. 197-201. Philadelphia, B.C. Becker, 1992.
  25. Roth, J.A., Sugarbaker, P.H., and Baker, A.R. Radical forequarter amputation with chest wall resection. In: Anonymous Musculoskeletal Surgery for Cancer. pp. 317-324. New York, Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 1992.
  26. Mukhopadhyay, T. and Roth, J.A. p53 gene mutations in human premalignant and malignant tissues. In: K.W. Adolph (ed.), Methods in Molecular Genetics. pp. 104-128. Orlando, Academic Press, Inc., 1993.
  27. Putnam, J.B., Jr. and Roth, J.A. Neoplastic diseases of the esophagus. In: R.H. Bell, L.F. Rikkers, and M.W. Mulholland (eds.), Digestive Tract Surgery: A Text and Atlas. pp. 43-75. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1993.
  28. Roth, J.A. Molecular genetic strategies for the prevention and therapy of lung cancer. In: G. Motta and L.P. Grafica (eds.), Lung Cancer: Frontiers in Science and Treatment. pp. 83-90. Genoa, Italy, 1993.
  29. Roth, J.A. and Putnam, J.B. Jr. Cancer of the esophagus. In: V.T. DeVita, Jr., S. Hellman and S.A. Rosenberg (eds.), Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology. pp. 776-817. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co., 1993.
  30. Roth, J.A. The biology of lung cancer. In: F.G. Pearson, J. Deslauriers, R.J. Ginsberg, H.C. Urschel, Jr., M.F. McKneally and C.A. Hiebert (eds.), Thoracic Surgery. pp. 637-647. 1993.
  31. Roth, J.A. Surgical approaches to locally advanced potentially resectable non-small cell lung cancer. In: G. Motta and L.P. Grafica (eds.), Lung Cancer: Frontiers in Science and Treatment. Brussels, Belgium, 1993.
  32. Roth, J.A. Advances in cell and molecular biology of non-small cell lung cancer. In: J.A. Roth, J. Cox, and W.K. Hong (eds.), Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy of Lung Cancer. pp. 85-104. Cambridge, Blackwell Scientific, 1993.
  33. Yang, S.C., Grimm, E., and Roth, J.A. Immunotherapy of lung cancer. In: J.A. Roth, J. Cox, and W.K. Hong (eds.), Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy of Lung Cancer. pp. 379-390. Cambridge, Blackwell Scientific, 1993.
  34. Putnam, J.B. and Roth, J.A. Surgical resection of pulmonary metastases. In: R.J. McKenna and G.P. Murphy (eds.), Cancer Surgery. pp. 337-350. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1994.
  35. Putnam, J.B., Jr. and Roth, J.A. Secondary tumors in the lungs. In: T.W. Shields (ed.), General Thoracic Surgery. pp. 1334-1352. Philadelphia, Williams & Wilkins, 1994.
  36. Roth, J.A. The esophageal mucosa. In: Anonymous O.E.S.O. pp. 1093-1096. 1994.
  37. Roth, J.A. Is an initial multifocal or diffuse appearance characteristics of adenocarcinoma in CLE? In: R. Giuli, G.N.J. Tytgat, T.R. DeMeester, and J.P Galmiche (eds.), The Esophageal Mucosa. pp. 1093-1996. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1994.
  38. Roth, J.A., Mukhopadhyay, T., Casson, A.G., and Chung, K.Y. Molecular strategies for early detection, prevention and therapy cancer. In: S. Srivastrava, S.M. Lippman, W.K. Hong, and J.L. Mulshine (eds.), Early Detection of Cancer: Molecular Markers. pp. 45-52. Armonk, Futura Publishing Company, Inc., 1994.
  39. Roth, J.A. and Putnam, J.B., Jr. New insights into selecting patients likely to benefit from resection of pulmonary metastases. In: G. Motta and L.P. Grafica (eds.), Lung Cancer: Frontiers in Science and Treatment. pp. 473-482. Genoa, Italy, 1994.
  40. Zhang, Y., Mukhopadhyay, T., Georges, R., and Roth, J.A. Molecular targeting of cancer: retroviral vector-mediated antisense nucleic acid therapy. In: K.M. Hui (ed.), Gene Therapy: From Laboratory to the Clinic. pp. 70-106. Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Company, 1994.
  41. Ajani, J.A., Kelsen, D.P., Rich, T.A., and Roth, J.A. Chemotherapy and combined modality therapy for squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and gastroesophageal junction. In: Anonymous Thoracic Oncology. pp. 414-441. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1995.
  42. Nesbitt, J.C., Putnam, J.B., Jr., Walsh, G.L., Ryan, M.B., and Roth, J.A. Malignant diseases of the lung. In: E.M. Copeland, III and B.A. Levine (eds.), Current Practice of Surgery. pp. 1-54. New York, Churchill Livingstone, Inc., 1995.
  43. Putnam, J.B., Jr. and Roth, J.A. Neoplasms of the esophagus. In: R.H. Bell, Jr., L.F. Rikkers, and M.W. Mulholland (eds.), Digestive Tract Surgery: A Text and Atlas. pp. 43-76. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1995.
  44. Roth, J.A. The molecular biology of lung cancer. In: R.A. Meyers (ed.), Molecular Biology and Molecular Medicine. pp. 518-521. New York, VCH Publishers, Inc., 1995.
  45. Roth, J.A. and Putnam, J.B. Surgery for carcinoma of the esophagus. In: Anonymous Thoracic Oncology. pp. 397-413. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1995.
  46. Roth, J.A. Molecular biology and biotechnology. In: R.A. Meyers (ed.), Molecular Biology of Lung Cancer. pp. 518-521. 1995.
  47. Roth, J.A., Mukhopadhyay, T., Zhang, W.W., Fujiwara, T., and Georges, R. Gene replacement strategies for the prevention and therapy of cancer. In: R.E. Sobol and K.J. Scanlon (eds.), The Internet Book of Gene Therapy Cancer Therapeutics. pp. 229-234. Stamford, Appleton & Lange, 1995.
  48. Schrump, D.S. and Roth, J.A. Clinical implications of molecular events in lung cancer. In: E.J. Freireich and S.A. Stass (eds.), Molecular Basis of Oncology. pp. 295-316. Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., 1995.
  49. Schrump, D.S. and Roth, J.A. Molecular biology and immunology of lung and esophageal cancer. In: A.E. Baue, A.S. Geha, G.L. Hammond, H. Laks, and K.S. Naunheim (eds.), Glenn's Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. pp. 331-343. Stamford, Appleton & Lange, 1995.
  50. Ajani, J.A., Roth, J.A., Ryan, B., McMurtrey, M., and Rich, T.A. Resectable adenocarcinoma of the esophagus: a study of pre- and postoperative chemotherapy. In: S.E. Salmon (ed.), Adjuvant Therapy of Cancer VI. pp. 396-404. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., 1996.
  51. Balch, C.M., Milton, G.W., and Roth, J.A. Surgery for metastatic melanoma. In: C.M. Balch, A. Houghton, A. Sober, and G. Milton (eds.), Cutaneous Melanoma: Clinical Management and Treatment Results Worldwide. J.B. Lippincott Co., 1996.
  52. Nesbitt, J.C., Lee, J.S., Komaki, R., and Roth, J.A. Cancer of the lung. In: J.F. Holland, E.I. Frei, R. Bast, Jr., D. Kufe, D. Morton, and R. Weichselbaum (eds.), Cancer Medicine. pp. 3-83. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1996.
  53. Nesbitt, J.C., Lee, J.S., Komaki, R., and Roth, J.A. Lung cancer. In: J.F. Holland, E.I. Frei, R. Bast, Jr., D. Kufe, D. Morton and R. Weichselbaum (eds.), Cancer Medicine. pp. 3-83. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1996.
  54. Roth, J.A. Gene replacement strategies for prevention and treatment of aerodigestive tract cancers. In: J.G. Fortner (ed.), Accomplishments in Cancer Research. pp. 188-199. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Company, 1996.
  55. Roth, J.A. and Putnam, Jr. J.B. Pulmonary resection for metastatic disease. In: H. Silberman and A.W. Silberman (eds.), Difficult Problems in Surgical Oncology. New York, Chapman and Hill, 1996.
  56. Roth, J.A., Mukhopadhyay, T., Casson, A.G., and Chung, K.Y. Molecular strategies for the prevention and therapy of cancer. In: R.E. Sobol and K.J. Scanlon (eds.), Gene Therapy of Cancer. Appleton and Lange, 1996.
  57. Roth, J.A., Putnam, J.B., Jr., Rich, T.A., and Forastiere, A.A. Cancer: cancer of the esophagus. In: V.T. DeVita, Jr., S. Hellman and S.A. Rosenberg (eds.), Cancer: Principles and Practices of Oncology. pp. 980-1010. Philadelphia, Lippincott - Raven, 1996.
  58. Maxwell, S.A. and Roth, J.A. Oncogene interactions with tumor suppressor genes. In: J.R. Bertino (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cancer. pp. 1161-1171. San Diego, Academic Press, Inc., 1997.
  59. Mukhopadhyay, T. and Roth, J.A. Isolation of total RNA from tissues or cell lines: visualization in Gel. In: R. Rapley and D.L. Manning (eds.), Methods in Molecular Biology: RNA Isolation and Characterization Protocols. pp. 55-59. Totowa, Humana Press Inc., 1997.
  60. Putnam, J.B., Jr., Morris, P., and Roth, J.A. Esophageal carcinoma. In: A.W. Silberman and H. Silberman (eds.), Difficult Problems in Surgical Oncology. New York: Chapman & Hill, 1997.
  61. Zhang, W.W. and Roth, J.A. Methods for cancer gene therapy using tumor suppressor genes. In: P.D. Robbins (ed.), Gene Therapy Protocols. pp. 403-418. Ottowa, Humana Press, 1997.
  62. Mukhopadhyay, T. and Roth, J.A. Ribozymes in targeting tumor suppressor genes. In: K.J. Scanlon (ed.), Ribozymes in the Gene Therapy of Cancer. pp. 175-182. Austin, R. G. Landes Company, 1998.
  63. Pollock, R.E., Balch, C.M., McPeek, B., Mosteller, F., and Roth, J.A. Formulating an initial research plan. In: H Troidl Mulder, D.S., Bucknam, J.B., Spitzer, W.O., McKneally, M., Balsh, C.,M., Wechsler, A (eds.), Principles and Practices of Research: Strategies for Surgical Investigators. pp. 363-365. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
  64. Roth, J.A. The molecular biology of lung cancer. In: M.P. Beaubien (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology. New York, Chernow Editorial Services, Inc., 1998.
  65. Roth, J.A. Defective tumor suppressor gene replacement and oncogene inactivation for the treatment of cancer. In: E. Wickstrom (ed.), Clinical Trials of Genetic Therapy with Antisense DNA and DNA Vectors. pp. 279-294. New York, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1998.
  66. Roth, J.A. Genetic manipulations for the treatment of lung cancer. In: J.A. Roth, J.D. Cox, and W.K. Hong (eds.), Lung Cancer. pp. 369-381. Cambridge, Blackwell Science, Inc., 1998.
  67. Schrump, D.S. and Roth, J.A. Gene therapy of lung cancer. In: M. Kane, K. Kelly, Y. Miller, and P. Bunn (eds.), Biology of Lung Cancer. pp. 171-185. New York, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1998.
  68. Swisher, S.G. and Roth, J.A. Role of gene therapy in lung cancer. In: K.L. Franco and J. Putnam, Jr. (eds.), Advanced Therapy in Thoracic Surgery. pp. 139-145. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, B.C. Decker, Inc., 1998.
  69. Mukhopadhyay, T. and Roth, J.A. Ribozymes in targeting tumor suppressor genes. In: K.J. Scanlon and M. Kashani-Sabet (eds.), Ribozymes in the Gene Therapy of Cancer. pp. 175-182. Georgetown, R.G. Landes Company, 1998.
  70. Fang, B. and Roth, J.A. Gene Therapy. In: J. Mendelsohn (ed.), The Molecular Basis of Cancer Therapy. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 2000.
  71. Vaporciyan, A.A., Nesbitt, J.C., Lee, J.S., Stevens, C., Komaki, R., and Roth, J.A. Cancer of the lung. In: J.F. Holland, E. Frei, III, R. Bast, Jr., D. Kufe, R. Pollock and R. Weichselbaum (eds.), Cancer Medicine 5th Edition, Hamilton, Canada, B.C. Decker Inc., pp. 2000
  72. Walsh, G.L., O'Connor, M. Willis, K.M., Milas, M., Wong, R., Nesbitt, J.C., Putnam, J.B., Jr., Lee, J.J. and Roth, J.A., Is follow-up of lung cancer patients following resection medically indicated and cost effective? In Ginsberg, R.J., Wechsler, A.S. and Williams, W.G. (eds.), The Year Book of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Mosby-Year Book, Inc., Chicago, 2000.
  73. Fang, B. and Roth, J.A. Gene therapy using direct in vivo gene injection. Principles and Practice of the Biologic Therapy of Cancer, 3rd Edition, Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 796-810, 2000,.
  74. Roth, J.A. Cancer/Biology. In: F.G. Pearson, J.D. Cooper, J. Deslauriers, R.J. Ginsberg, C.A. Hiebert, G.A. Patterson and H.C. Urschel (eds.), Thoracic Surgery, Esophageal Surgery. New York: W.B. Saunders Company, 2000.
  75. Roth, J.A., Molldrem, J., and Smythe, R. The current status of cancer gene therapy trials. In: V.T. DeVita, S. Hellman and S.A. Rosenberg (eds.), Principles & Practice of Oncology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 11:2-15, 2000.

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Books edited and written:

  1. Roth, J.A. Monoclonal Antibodies for the Diagnosis and Therapy of Cancer, Mount Kisco, NY, Futura Publishing Company, Inc., 1987.
  2. Roth, J.A., Ruckdeschel, J., and Weisenburger, T. Thoracic Oncology, 1st edition, Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., 1988.
  3. Roth, J.A., Hong, W.K., and Cox, C.D. Lung Cancer, 1st edition, Oxford, England, Blackwell Scientific Publishers, Inc., 1993.
  4. Mukhopadhyay, T., Maxwell, S.A., and Roth, J.A. p53 Suppressor Gene, Austin, R.G. Landes Co., 1995.
  5. Roth, J.A., Ruckdeschel, J., and Weisenburger, T. Thoracic Oncology, 2nd edition, Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., 1995.
  6. Roth, J.A., Hong, W.K., and Cox, C.D. Lung Cancer, 2nd edition, Oxford, England, Blackwell Scientific Publishers, Inc., 1998.

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