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  Stephen Swisher, M.D.
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Bibliography- Stephen G. Swisher, M.D.

Published and accepted articles in refereed journals

  1. Burton, R.S., Feldman, M.W., and Swisher, S.G. Linkage relationships among five enzyme-coding gene loci in the copepod Trigriopus californicus: a genetic confirmation of aschiasmiatic meiosis. Biochem. Genet., 19:1237-1245, 1981.
  2. Burton, R., and Swisher, S.G. Population structure of the intertidal copepod tigriopus californicus as revealed by field manipulation of allele frequencies. Oecologica, 65:108-111, 1984.
  3. Hansbrough, J.F., Soderberg, C., Field, T.O., Swisher, S.G., Brahme, J., Zapata-Sirvent, R.L., Tonks, M., and Gadd, M. Analysis of murine splenic lymphocyte subpopulations after trauma using the fluorescent activated cell sorter (FACS). J. Surg. Res., 44:121-136, 1988.
  4. Economou, J.S., Essner, R., Rhoades, K., Yamada, T., Swisher, S.G., Holmes, E.C., Golub, S., and Morton, D.L. Genetic analysis of tumor necrosis factor promoter function in human tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and other cell lines. Surgical Forum, 40:448-452, 1989.
  5. Golub, S.H., Iho, S., Gallardo, D., Ebina, N., Swisher, S.G., Economou J.S., and Shau H. Cytokine regulation of induction of cytotoxic effector cells by IL-2. 6th International NK Workshop, R.E. Schmidt (Ed), 47:63-67, 1989.
  6. Swisher, S.G., Economou, J.S., Holmes, E.C., and Golub, S.H. TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma reverse IL-4 inhibition of lymphokine-activated killer cell function. Cell. Immunol., 128:450-461, 1990.
  7. Lee, J.D., Swisher, S.G., Minehart, E.H., McBride, W.H., and Economou, J.S. Interleukin-4 downregulates interleukin-6 production in human blood peripheral mononuclear cells. J. Leukoc. Biol., 47:475-479, 1990.
  8. Lee, J.D., Swisher, S.G., Minehart, E.H., McBride, W.H., Golub, S.H., and Economou, J.S. Interleukin-4: a potent inhibitor of IL-6, TNF-alph, IFN-gamma and IL-beta production. Surg. Forum, 41.441-444, 1990.
  9. Wong, J.H., Cagle, L.A., Kopald, K.H., Swisher, S.G., and Morton, D.L. Natural history and selective management of in transit melanoma. J. Surg. Oncol., 44:146-150, 1990.
  10. Economou, J.S., Hoban, M., Lee, J.D., Essner, R., Swisher, S.G., McBride, W.H., and Morton, D.L. Cytokine production in IL-2 treated melanoma patients. Cancer Immunol. Immunother., 34:49-52, 1991.
  11. Swisher, S.G., Anderson, T.M., Wen, D.R., Stene, M.A., Cochran, A.J., Golub, S.H., and Holmes, E.C. Immunopathological features of human pulmonary tumors following low-dose interleukin-2. Cancer Immunol. Immunother., 33:327-332, 1991.
  12. Swisher, S.G., Kiertscher, S.M., Golub, S.H., Holmes, E.C., and Roth, M.D. Pulmonary macrophages suppress the proliferation and cytotoxicity of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. Am. J. Resp. Cell. Mol. Biol., 8:486-492, 1993.
  13. Swisher, S.G., Cates, J.A., Hunt, K.K., Robert, M.E., Bennion, R.S., Thompson, J.E., Roslyn, J.J., and Reber, H.A. Pancreatitis associated with adult choledochal cysts. Pancreas, 9:633-637, 1994.
  14. Swisher, S.G., Hunt, K.K., Schmit, P.J., Hiyama, D.T., Bennion, R.S., and Thompson, J.E. Management of pancreatitis complicating pregnancy. Am Surg, 60:759-762, 1994.
  15. Schmit, P.J., Hiyama, D.T., Swisher, S.G., Bennion, R.S., and Thompson, J.E., Jr. Analysis of risk factors of postappendectomy intra-abdominal abscess. J. Am. Coll. Surg., 179:721-726, 1994.
  16. Swisher, S.G., Schmit, P.J., Hunt, K.K., Hiyama, D.T., Bennion, R.S., Swisher, E.M., and Thompson, J.E. Biliary disease during pregnancy. Am. J. Surg., 168:576-581, 1994.
  17. Swisher, S.G., Hunt, K.K., Holmes, E.C., Zinner, M.J., and McFadden, D.W. Changes in the surgical management of esophageal cancer from 1970 to 1993. Am. J. Surg., 169:609-614, 1995.
  18. Toloza, E.M., Hunt, K, Swisher, S., McBride, W., Lau, R., Pang, S., Rhoades, K., Drake, T., Belldegrun, A., Glaspy, J., and Economou, J.S. In vivo cancer gene therapy with a recombinant interleukin-2 adenovirus vector. Cancer Gene Ther., 3:11-17, 1996.
  19. Swisher, S.G., Holmes, E.C., Hunt, K.K., Gornbein, J.A., Zinner, M.J., and McFadden, D.W. Perioperative blood transfusions and decreased long-term survival in esophageal cancer. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 112:341-348, 1996.
  20. Swisher, S.G., Holmes, E.C., Hunt, K.K., Doty, J.E., Zinner, M.J., and McFadden, D.W. The role of neoadjuvant therapy in surgically resectable esophageal cancer. Arch. Surg., 131:819-825, 1996.
  21. Toloza, E.M., Hunt, K., Miller, A.R., McBride, W., Lau, R., Swisher, S.G., Rhoades, K., Arthur, J., Choi, J., Chen, L., Chang, P., Chen, A., Glaspy, J., and Economou, J.S. Transduction of murine and human tumors using recombinant adenovirus vectors. Ann. Surg. Oncol., 4:70-79, 1997.
  22. Hunt, K.K., Deng, J., Liu, T.J., Wilson-Heiner, M., Swisher, S.G., Clayman, G., and Hung, M.C. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of the transcription factor E2F-1 induces apoptosis in human breast and ovarian carcinoma cell lines and does not require p53. Cancer Res., 57:4722-4726, 1997.
  23. Walsh, G.L., Gokaslan, Z.L., McCutcheon, I.E., Mineo, M.T., Yasko, A.W., Swisher, S.G., Schrump, D.S., Nesbitt, J.C., Putnam, J.B., Jr., and Roth, J.A. Anterior approaches to the thoracic spine in patients with cancer: indications and results. Ann. Thorac. Surg., 64:1611-1618, 1997.
  24. Roth, J.A., Swisher, S.G., Merritt, J.A., Lawrence, D.D., Kemp, B.L., Carrasco, C.H., El-Nagger, A.K., Fossella, F.V., Glisson, B.S., Hong, W.K., Khuri, F.R., Kurie, J.M., Nesbitt, J.C., Pisters, K., Putnam, J.B., Schrump, D.S., Shin, D.M., and Walsh, G.L. Gene therapy for non-small cell lung cancer: a preliminary report of a phase I trial of adenoviral p53 gene replacement. Semin. Oncol., 25:33-37, 1998.
  25. Gokaslan, Z.L., York, J.E., Walsh, G.L., McCutcheon, I.E., Lang, F.F., Putnam, J.B., Jr., Wildrick, D.M., Swisher, S.G., Abi-Said, D., and Sawaya, R. Transthoracic vertebrectomy for metastatic spinal tumors. J. Neurosurg,. 89:599-609, 1998.
  26. Swisher, S.G., Roth, J.A., Nemunaitis, J., Lawrence, D.D., Kemp, B.L., Carrasco, C.H., Connors, D.G., El-Nagger, A.K., Fossella, F., Glisson, B.S., Hong, W.K., Khuri, F.R., Kurie, J.M., Lee, J.J., Lee, J.S., Mack, M., Merritt, J.A., Nguyen, D.M., Nesbitt, J.C., Perez-Soler, R., Pisters, K.W., Putnam, J.B., Jr., Richli, W.R., Savin, M., Schrump, D.S., Shin, D.M., Shulkin, A., Walsh, G.L., Wait, J., Weill, D., and Waugh, M.K.A. Adenovirus-mediated p53 gene transfer in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 91:763-771, 1999.
  27. York, J.E., Walsh, G.L., Lang, F.F., Putnam, J.B., McCutcheon, I.E., Swisher, S.G., Komaki, R., and Gokaslan, Z.L. Combined chest wall resection with vertebrectomy and spinal reconstruction for the treatment of pancoast tumors. J. Neurosurg. 91:74-80, 1999.
  28. Kagawa, S., Pearson, S.A., Ji, L., Xu, K., McDonnell, T.J., Swisher, S.G., Fang, B., and Roth, J.A. A novel binary vector can mediate expression of the death effector protein bax in human lung cancer cells. Surg. Forum, 50:344-346, 1999.
  29. Gandhi, S., Walsh, G.L., Komaki, R., Gokaslan, Z.L., Nesbitt, J.C., Putnam, J.B., Jr., Roth, J.A., Merriman, K.W., McCutcheon, I.E., Munden, R.F., and Swisher, S.G. A multidisciplinary surgical approach to superior sulcus tumors with vertebral invasion. Ann. Thorac. Surg., 68:1778-1785, 1999.
  30. Kagawa, S., Gu, J., Swisher, S.G., Ji, L., Roth, J.A., Lai, D., Stephens, L.C., and Fang, B. Antitumor effect of adenovirus-mediated Bax gene transfer on p53-sensitive and p53-resistant cancer lines. Cancer Res., 60:1157-1161, 2000.
  31. Swisher, S.G., Roth, J.A. Gene therapy in lung cancer. Curr. Oncol. Rpts., 2:64-70, 2000.
  32. Kagawa, S., Pearson, S.A., Ji, L., Xu, K., McDonnell, T.J., Swisher, S.G., Roth, J.A., and Fang, B. A binary adenoviral vector system for expressing high levels of the proapoptotic gene bax. Gene Ther., 7:75-79, 2000.
  33. Nemunaitis, J., Swisher, S.G., Timmons, T., Connors, D., Mack, M., Doerksen, L., Weill, D., Wait, J., Lawrence, D.D., Kemp, B.L., Fossella, F., Glisson, B.S., Hong, W.K., Khuri, F.R., Kurie, J.M., Lee, J.J., Lee, J.S., Nguyen, D.M., Nesbitt, J.C., Perez-Soler, R., Pisters, K.M.W., Putnam, J.B., Richli, W.R., Shin, D.M., Walsh, G.L., Merritt, J., and Roth, J. Adenovirus-mediated p53 gene transfer in sequence with cisplatin to tumors of patients with non-small cell lung cancer. J. Clin. Oncol., 18:609-622, 2000.
  34. Pataer, A., Fang, B., Yu, R., Kagawa, S., Hunt, K.K., McDonnell, T.J., Roth, J.A., and Swisher, S.G. Adenoviral bak overexpression mediates caspase-dependent tumor killing. Cancer Res., 60:788-792, 2000.
  35. Pearson, A.S., Spitz, F.R., Swisher, S.G., Kataoka, M., Sarkiss, M.G., Meyn, R.E., McConnell, T.J., Cristiano, R.J., and Roth, J.A. Up-regulation of the proapoptotic mediators bax and bak after adenovirus-mediated p53 gene transfer in lung cancer cells. Clin Cancer Res., 6:887-890, 2000.
  36. Putnam, J.B., Jr., Walsh, G.L., Swisher, S.G., Roth, J.A., Suell, D.M., Vaporciyan, A.A., Smythe, W.R., Merriman, K.W., and DeFord, L.L. Outpatient management of malignant pleural effusion by a chronic indwelling pleural catheter. Ann. Thor. Surg., 69:369-375, 2000.
  37. Yen, N., Ioannides, C.G., Xu, K., Swisher, S.G., Lawrence, D.D., Kemp, B.L., El-Nagger, A.K., Cristiano, R.J., Fang, B., Glisson, B.S., Hong, W.K., Khuri, F.R., Kurie, J.M., Lee, J.J., Lee, J.S., Merritt, J.A., Mukhopadhyay, T., Nesbitt, J.C., Nguyen, D., Perez-Soler, R., Pisters, K.M.W., Putnam, J.B., Jr., Schrump, D.S., Shin, D.M., Walsh, G.L., and Roth, J.A. Cellular and humoral immune responses to adenovirus and p53 protein antigens in patients following intratumoral injection of an adenovirus vector expressing wildtype p53 (Ad-p53). Cancer Gene Ther., 7:530-536, 2000.
  38. Swisher, S.G., DeFord, L., Merriman, K.W., Walsh, G.L., Smythe, R., Vaporciyan, A., Ajani, J.A., Brown, T., Komaki, R., Roth, J.A., and Putnam, J.B. Effect of operative volume on morbidity, mortality, and hospital use after esophagectomy for cancer. J. Thor. Cardiovasc. Surg., 119:1126-1134, 2000.
  39. Toloza E.M., Roth, J.A., and Swisher, S.G. Molecular events in bronchogenic carcinoma and their implications for therapy. Semin. Surg. Oncol., 18:91-99, 2000.
  40. Weill, D., Mack, M., Roth, J., Swisher, S., Proksch, S., Merritt, J., and Nemunaitis, J. Adenoviral-mediated p53 gene transfer to non-small cell lung cancer through endobronchial injection. Chest, 118:966-970, 2000.
  41. Pataer, A., Smythe, W.R., Yu, R., Fang, B., McDonnell, T., Roth, J.A., and Swisher, S.G. Adenovirus-mediated Bak gene transfer induces apoptosis in mesothelioma cell lines. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 121:61-67, 2001.
  42. Walsh, G.L., Davis, B.M., Swisher, S.G., Vaporciyan, A.A., Smythe, W.R., Willis-Merriman, K., Roth, J.A., and Putnam, J.B., Jr. A single-institutional, multidisciplinary approach to primary sarcomas involving the chest wall requiring full thickness resections. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 121:48-60, 2001.
  43. Schnirer, I.I., Komaki, R., Yao, J.C., Swisher, S.G., Putnam, J.B., Jr., Pisters, P.W.T., Roth, J.A., and Ajani, J.A. A pilot study of concurrent 5-fluorouracil/paclitaxel plus radiotherapy in patients with carcinoma of the esophagus and gastroesophageal junction. Am. J. Clin. Oncol., 24:91-95, 2001.
  44. Smythe, W.R., Estrera, A.L., Swisher, S.G., Merriman, K.W., Walsh, G.L., Putnam, J.B., Jr., Vaporciyan, A.A., and Roth, J.A. Surgical resection of non-small cell carcinoma after treatment for small cell carcinoma. Ann. Thorac. Surg., 71:962-966, 2001.
  45. Siegenthaler, M.P., Pisters, K.M., Merriman, K.W., Roth, J.A., Swisher, S.G., , Walsh, G.L., Vaporciyan, A.A., Smythe, W.R., and Putnam, J.B., Jr. Preoperative chemotherapy for lung cancer does not increase surgical morbidity. Ann. Thorac. Surg., 71:1105-1112, 2001.
  46. Kawaga, S., Gu, J., Honda, T., McDonnell, T.J., Swisher, S.G., Roth, J.A., and Fang, B. Deficiency of caspase-3 in MCF7 cells blocked Bax-mediated nuclear fragmentation but not cell death. Clin. Cancer Res., 7:1474-1480, 2001.
  47. Ajani, J.A., Komaki, R., Putnam, J.B., Walsh, G., Nesbitt, J., Pisters, P.W., Lynch, P.M., Vaporciyan, A., Smythe, R., Lahoti, S., Raijman, I., Swisher, S., Martin, F.D., and Roth, J.A. A three-step strategy of induction chemotherapy then chemoradiation followed by surgery in patients with potentially resectable carcinoma of the esophagus or gastroesophageal junction. Cancer, 92:279-286, 2001.
  48. Roth, J.A., Grammer, S.F., Swisher, S.G., Komaki, R., Nemunaitis, J., Merritt, J., and Meyn, R.E., Jr. P53 gene replacement for cancer: interactions with DNA damaging agents. Acta. Oncol., 40:739-744, 2001.
  49. Nutt, L.K., Pataer, A., Pahler, J., Fang, B., Roth, J., McConkey, D.J., and Swisher, S.G. Bax and Bak promote apoptosis by modulating endoplasmic reticular and mitochondrial Ca2+ stores. J. Biol. Chem., 277:9219-9225, 2002.
  50. Swisher, S.G., Wynn, P., Putnam, J.B., Mosheim, M.B., Correa, A.M., Komaki, R.R., Ajani, J.A., Smythe, W.R., Vaporciyan, A.A., Roth, J.A., and Walsh, G.L. Salvage esophagectomy for recurrent tumors after definitive chemotherapy and radiotherapy. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 123:175-183, 2002.
  51. Vaporciyan, A.A., Merriman, K.W., Ece, F., Roth, J.A., Smythe, W.R., Swisher, S.G., Walsh, G.L., Nesbitt, J.C., and Putnam, J.B., Jr. Incidence of major pulmonary morbidity after pneumonectomy: association with timing of smoking cessation. Ann. Thorac. Surg., 73:420-426, 2002.
  52. Kuerer, H.M., Beahm, E.K., Swisher, S.G., and Ross, M.I. Surgery for inoperable breast cancer. Am. J. Surg., 183:160-161, 2002.
  53. Pataer, A., Vorburger, S.A., Barber, G.N., Chada, S., Mhashilkar, A.M., Zou-Yang, H., Stewart, A.L., Balachandran, S., Roth, J.A., Hunt, K.K., and Swisher, S.G. Adenoviral transfer of the melanoma differentiation-associated gene 7 (mda7) induces apoptosis of lung cancer cells via up-regulation of the double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR). Cancer Res., 62:2239-2243, 2002.
  54. Vaporciyan, A.A., Rice, D.C., Correa, A.M., Walsh, G.L., Swisher, S.G., Smythe, W.R., Putnam, J.B., Jr., and Roth, J.A. Resection of advanced thoracic malignancies requiring cardiopulmonary bypass. Eur. J. Cardiothorac. Surg., in press, 2002.
  55. Putnam, J.B., Jr., Benjamin, R.S., Rha, S.J., Walsh, G.L., Swisher, S.G., Vaporciyan, A.A., Smythe, W.R., and Roth, J.A. Early results of isolated single lung perfusion for treatment of unresectable sarcomatous metastases. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., in press, 2002.
  56. Kim, E.S., Putnam, J.B., Jr., Komaki, R., Walsh, G.L., Ro, J.T., Shin, H.J., Truong, M., Moon, H., Swisher, S.G., Fossella, F.V., Khuri F.R., Hong, W.K., and Shin, D.M. A phase II study of a multidisciplinary approach with induction chemotherapy, followed by surgical resection, radiation therapy, and consolidation chemotherapy for unresectable malignant thymomas: Final Report. J. Clin. Oncol., in press, 2002.
  57. Nutt, L.K., Pataer, C.J., Pataer, A., Fang, B., Roth J., Swisher, S.G., O'Neil, R.G., and McConkey, D.J. Bax-mediated Ca2+ mobilization promotes cytochrome c release during apoptosis. J. Biol. Chem., in press, 2002.
  58. Vorburger, S.A., Pataer, A., Yoshida, K., Barber, G.N., Xia, W., Ellis, L.M., Hung, M-C., Swisher, S.G., and Hunt, K.K. Role for the dsRNA activated protein kinase pkr in e2f-1 induced apoptosis. Oncogene, in press, 2002.

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