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Image Cytometry Analysis
General Image Cytometry
Lymphoproliferative Disorder Image Cytometry 
Urocytology Image Cytometry
Cyclin D1 FISH test
Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) Images
Immunohistochemistry Analysis Images
t1114 Fusion FISH
UroVysion FISH
Contact Us

Welcome to the Image Cytometry/FISH Diagnostic Laboratory of the Division of Pathology. Our laboratory is a full service image analysis and fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) laboratory affiliated with the Division of Pathology at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. The image analysis facility was originally set up for research, but rapidly converted to a clinical service when our urologists were interested in using it for diagnosis of their clinical specimens, using a combined cytology-image analysis DNA approach. 

We are equipped with 3 SAMBA image analyzers, one of them with automatic stage which allows the computer to analyze sample automatically. We are also equipped with a fully motorized fluorescence microscope, which can be controlled using the Openlab image acquisition software. The microscope is equipped with an 8-position filterwheel, with filters for DAPI, spectrum aqua, FITC, spectrum gold, rhodamine, RG dual band, and RGB triple band viewing. The stage is motorized in x, y, and z direction, enabling automated through-focus capturing and slide-scanning. The Openlab software provides deconvolution (virtual confocal) capabilities, volume rendering, and custom automation options. Custom macros are available for multi-color 3-dimensional image acquisition and FISH dot-counting. Addidtional software for custom image prosessing, analysis and production of publication quality images is also available. We image about one thousand specimens a year, all cytology specimens, mostly urologic but also a large number of lymphomas and breast FNAs, as well as other miscellaneous non-gynecological specimens. We perform about 500 FISH tests for either diagnosis and research of different types of lymphomas each year. Our lung cancer research project processe 200 paraffin embedded tissue every year by using a variety of home-made probes.  In addition, we receive about 100 outside wet urological specimens from community urologists/pathologists for processing for cytology and DNA ploidy/cytology evaluation. 

Our research is focused on the identification of predictive image analysis feature (PIAF) in archival histological sections which predict recurrence of lung cancer or metastatic disease. We also perform fluorescence in-situ hybridization for different diagnostic or research purposes. The techniques we use include computerized image analysis, immunohistochemistry staining, and FISH. Our staff is well trained and is certified individually by either NCA or ASCP. 

We also provide, as a service, a cytology training program for cytotechnologists as well as a fellowship program for training of Pathologists. Additionally, our research is based on cytometry image analysis in collaboration with other departments within M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.