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The Research Medical Library at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston offers internships during the Spring and Summer semesters. Internships last up to 16 weeks, depending on the students' program. Students must be currently enrolled as students in an accredited university in order to apply. At this time, we cannot offer course credit for internship activities.
Information Services Internships
Students who select an Information Services internship will attend scheduled library classes, meet with information services librarians, attend Information Services meetings, and receive in-depth orientations to the key service points in the Library. Students will select an area of focus within Information Services to complete their internship project. Applicants must be enrolled in a library and/or information science degree program from an ALA-accredited university to be eligible for this internship.
- Reference:
Students will receive training in providing reference services and will respond to chat, email, and text reference questions. Feedback will be given on quality of reference services delivered. - Instruction:
Students will work with an experienced instruction librarian to create and deliver an instruction session in person and/or online. - Searching:
Students gain searching skills in the biomedical literature in order to complete search requests.
To apply send a statement of interest (250-300 words) and resume to David Farris at dpfarris@mdanderson.org
Historical Resources Center Internships
Students that select an Archival Enterprise internship will work in the Historical Resources Center. Areas of focus include processing historical collections, digitizing historical photographs and slides, or working with the Making Cancer History® Voices Oral History Collection. Interns have the opportunity to work remotely on projects specializing in archival metadata and creating finding aids for digital collections.
- Oral History and Interview Collections:
The Making Cancer History® Voices Oral History Collection captures to stories of key figures who contributed to the history of the MD Anderson. Other interview-based collections feature interviews and associated documents about a specific event, department, or researcher. Interns will learn how to process and make available oral history collections in our CONTENTdm repository and ArchivesSpace collection management system. Interns will work the audio files, transcripts, and interview notes to create multimedia packages to upload to our digital library. Submission packages include digital files and accompanying metadata. - Image Collection:
The Medical Graphics and Photography Collection consists of over 75 linear feet of photographic material dating back to the founding of the institution. Image types include negatives, prints, catalog cards, and slides. Interns will assist in describing and digitizing images for both preservation and reference purposes. Duties include processing images, generating and entering metadata into an image database and digital library, and providing image-based references. Projects include ingesting digital images and accompanying metadata into various repositories and analyzing the pros and cons of each one. - Archives and Manuscripts:
The Historical Resources Center holds an archival collection that documents and preserves the history of the MD Anderson Cancer Center. Interns will process archival collections. This includes creating detailed inventories, researching record creators, and composing finding aids. During processing, the collections will be screened for potential patient information. Completed finding aids will be placed in the collection management system. Projects including reformatting legacy metadata for new database software and processing digital-only collections
To apply send a statement of interest (250-300 words) and resume to Javier Garza at jjgarza@mdanderson.org
Scientific Editing Internship
Students that select the Scientific Editing internship will receive training in copy editing and proofreading medical/scientific manuscripts; assist senior editors with publishing and education projects; contribute to staff publications; attend workshops on writing research articles and grant applications; and participate in internal editor trainings. Interns will be supervised by a scientific editor and will have the opportunity to work with several different editors/librarians during their internship.
The Scientific Editing internship is a 100% remote position. An adequate workspace, computer, and internet connection are required. To be eligible for this internship, applicants must be enrolled as undergraduate or graduate students at one of the following universities: The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UT Health) School of Public Health, UT Health School of Biomedical Informatics, University of Houston, Rice University, Baylor University, Prairie View A&M University, Texas A&M University (College Station), and The University of Texas at Austin.
To apply send a statement of interest (250-300 words) and resume to Erica Goodoff at eagoodoff@mdanderson.org