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Several symposium speakers have agreed to make their presentations on burnout available.
- Ann Killary, PhD
Co-chair of the Symposium and Professor, Department of Translational Molecular Pathology
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Welcome presentation:
Our Charge: to Positively Change the Equation Leading to Burnout
- Charlee Alexander, Program Officer, National Academy of Medicine Presentation:
- Gurur Biliciler-Denktas, MD, Associate Professor, Pediatric Cardiology, UT Health Science Center, Houston Presentation:
- Thomas Bodenheimer, MD, Founding Director, Center for Excellence in Primary Care, UCSF Presentation:
- Suman Challa, BDS, Associate Professor, Comprehensive Dentistry Presentation:
- Martha S. Gerrity, MD, MPH, PhD, Professor, Oregon Health and Science University; Staff Physician, Portland Health Care System Presentations:
- Darrell Kirch, MD, CEO, American Association of Medical Colleges Presentation:
- Brian P. Lucas, MD, MS, Associate Professor, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College Presentation:
- Christina Maslach, PhD, Professor Emerita of Psychology, UC Berkely; Keynote speaker Presentation:
- Christopher S. Parshuram, MBChB, DPhil. Staff physician, Department of Critical Care Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada Presentation:
- Christine Sinsky, MD, VP of Professional Satisfaction, American Medical Association and Internist in private practice Presentations:
- Lucia Sommers, MSW, DrPH, Assistant Adjunct Professor, University of California San Francisco Presentation:
- Dwain Thiele, MD, Vice Provost and Senior Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Initiatives; UTSMC Presentation:
- Colin P. West, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Medical Education, and Biostatistics, Mayo Clinic Presentations:
- Shan Zhao, MBA, FACHE Senior Director, Dept. Admin. for Dept of Medicine, UTHSCSA Presentation:
Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience
Clinical Optimization and Medical Documentation Breakout Session
Addressing the Key Drivers of Burnout: Transforming Ambulatory Practice
Summary of Physician Leadership
Developing the Healthy Workplace
Organizational Initiatives to Combat Burnout
Can Changing the Value System and Re-aligning the Financial Structure of the Institution Prevent Clinician Burnout?
Effects of 2- vs 4- Week Attending Physician Inpatient Rotations on Unplanned Patient Revisits, Evaluations by Trainees, and Attending Physician Burnout: A Randomized Trial
Meeting the Challenge of Burnout
Structural Interventions Against Physician Burnout: Resident Schedule
In Search of Joy in Practice
Joy in Medicine
What would happen if ...
Medical School and Residency Training Breakout Session
Addressing the Key Drivers of Burnout: Exploring Solutions in Education and Training
Structural Interventions for Physician Burnout:What Do Evidence-Based Approaches Tell Us
Redefining and Advocating New Models of Care: Breakout Session